Allowing Purchase of Character Slots

I looked around in the forum, and the last post about this was about in October 23, and now it’s confirmed that we will have increased slots to 25 (Thank you so much by the way), I would like to bring up this topic again.

I know 25 slots are plenty for a lot of players, but I know many players are also like me, who would like to have a lot more slots due to various reasons.

I am guessing EHG most likely will have even more slots down the road when new cycles hit, or when new masteries are developed, but it would be really nice to give us the option to buy more character slots with real money while we wait for more slots to open in the future (which might not even happen if they decided 25 is the slots they can do)

This is truly a purchase option that doesn’t really affect anyone except people who would like more character slots. I can’t think of this purchase giving a player any in-game advantage at all.

However, I have no idea how much burden extra character slots bring to the server data storage so maybe it’s just not worth it for EHG to give more slots even if we pay for them? If server data overload is indeed the reason, I totally understand, but this is just sad day for alta-holics like me.

And before anyone offers me solutions like, “just play offline”, I would like to clarify that:

  1. No, I don’t want to play offline; I want to stay online.

  2. No, I don’t want to delete the characters I spent my time building. It’s the proof of my hard labor and time spent.

  3. Yes, there are only 15 masteries so theoretically you only need 15 slots, but I don’t want to be swapping skills back and forth, and if EHG actually discourage skill swapping and encourage character identity. When my character has a theme, I want to stick to the theme and just improve it based on the theme. I don’t want my pyromancer-themed sorcerer suddenly switching cryomancer-themed just because I am out of slots to make a new character.

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They’ve already said they will never sell features like this.

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Probably not, for 2 silly reasons:

  1. Pay2Win is a powerful boogeyman
  2. Not wanting the game to become a Character Slot Simulator ™
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But this is almost as harmless as cosmetics, or else I wouldn’t even suggest it.

Pay2Win usually means there’s advantage for players who pay, but where’s the in-game advantage in this? Players going around scaring other players to quit the game because they have 10 more character slots?

They can easily set a limit of such purchase if they don’t want some crazy lunatics to buy 1000 character slots, or to prevent this becoming a Character Slot Simulator

Yes, I know they want players to play the game and earn features like this. I have nothing against that. Hell, if I can pay in-game gold to buy character slots, that would be even more fantastic.

But this is a completely optional purchase that don’t give players any in-game advantage at all, so I don’t see why they can’t implement this.

And recently EHG’s stance on words like “ever” and “never” has changed. I have already saw quite a few times in discord that they don’t really want to say “never” anymore.

It has nothing to do with that. They do not want to sell gameplay features. It’s why they have a box price. Stash tabs are the easiest examples but character slots is the same thing.

It doesn’t matter. Dumb sweatlords on the internet will take any chance they can to label something as pay to win. It doesn’t need to make any actual sense. If you can buy it with real money, there will be a gaggle of boneheads that come up with some twisted reasoning to say it’s pay to win and they’ll yell about it until they die.

You’ll notice I said silly reasons.

Hell, I’ve made the argument that skill MTX that allow better visuals, or to determine range are Pay2Win, but so far, there hasn’t been any crusade to have those excommunicado. Maybe they should give purchasable character slots shiny graphics, so people will like them? I dunno…


Lol, actually might be feasible…

Bought character slots have special auras, and now people will say this is cosmetics only.


Personally I think stash tabs are different as they still do offer some in-game advantage but yes, people can argue they are the same and twist the words and say this is P2W

Oh well, here’s hoping they will give us players some kind of ways to earn more character slots

They just better never sell the option to switch genders (if they ever remove the gender-lock), because everyone knows that female characters get more free loot from basement dwellers than male characters do! If that’s not Pay2Win, then nothing is…


Like how the character looks? Glad to hear they won’t sell that either then.


Not sure what other then to say that I think 25 Slots for Characters should be plenty.
I believe that should last for a very long time.

They’ll probably add a few slots each cycle, like they’re doing for this first one.

That is not very likely, as that would soon spiral out of control in terms of performance of the game.
The most likely scenario is that they added these 5 slots and they’re going to collect data on its impact and then decide if they can safely increase the number of slots. But eventually we’ll reach an optimal number that will likely not change again.

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I guess we will find out which one of us guessed correctly.

@demonobento Just respec one of your characters instead of making a new one.

*gameplay features

I’m going to be pedantic before @Llama8 has the chance:
Skill MTX is technically a gameplay feature.


Yes, unless you want your skills to be as invisible as your recoloured items.