"A build is successful if it can do 300c"

Not exactly, “creep” involves a slow, sneaky progression. Here we don’t have any power-“creep”, nothing slow or sneaky about it. More like a giant, obvious power-“leap”!
I agree that it is highly disappointing.

I also share your concern about coming back from this. The power madness was just too vast to recover easily.
1.0 was the highest influx of new players the game will ever see. They have discovered and learnt to play a game where 1000 corruption is common, 5000 not unheard of. This has become the benchmark everyone has in mind. It is going to be very tough to tell everyone “Sorry guys, this was a mistake, next cycle the average power is going to be reduced by around 75%”.

Sad times, but I don’t see a way around it. :woman_shrugging:

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do it with a melee build without ward stack, I dare you.
This game is pathetically unbalanced, I’ve never seen an ARPG whose defenses work so poorly and in the end we have two builds with infinite damage and one of them virtually immortal. You can play duct just be an idiot who repeats everything mechanically until you never get hit by anything working for the game 20h/d or you can play Lok and ignore the game.

Interesting, is that Healing Hands?
HH is stupidly overpowered, even without ward. Just a completely wrong skill.

I am myself playing a “naked” melee build (only weapon, shield, belt and boots, all other slots empty, pure melee) to try and make the campaign interesting. Guess what? It is not.
Healing Hands is so strong that even naked I am flying through everything, even the bosses don’t scratch me. I hope it gets more challenging in monos…

Dude you obviously don’t like the game and obviously see no hope for it. You’re done with it and that’s fine. You’ve said everything you want to say. You’re here as a negative force and it’s not helpful. Do the healthy thing and move on instead of bitching nonstop about something you don’t like.


stop crying you have no clue, ward mechanics are equally available to all builds with one or two items or affixes

I have seen a bunch of no ward builds annihilating 5000 corruption

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I feel like if you try to build up from scraps and intuition and shoe glue and spite, all from your own imagination, 300 corruption is a great target.

-If you utilize the X builds being constantly pushed by content regurgitators right now: 300 corruption is extremely low.

-Would like the extremes to be brought more to a middle place.

-As an example: sorcerer. Why would anyone pick sorcerer right now if they are familiar with mage type classes in this game?

It doesn’t. 300c is nothing really. Many builds can break that easy with average gear.

It’s actually a reasonable yard stick for the average player with an average build and average gear.

That said, i heard that corruption was rescaled in 1.0 and I have not been pushing it since that release (as I have been working on several Alts and they are only now starting to push corruption) so it might be that 300c is not what I think it is any more.

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This is true of all builds really, not specific to HH. Campaign (and standard monos) offer zero challenge.

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What Mike said is that no build should ever reach 1k+. So it’s expectable that overperforming builds will be brought down eventually. Unless they changed their mind since then, but that doesn’t seem likely.
It’s clear their intended ceilings are 300 to somewhere below 1k, probably along the lines of 600.


You start now on 100C and it’s still childsplay with a decent build. If you use any meata stuff like HH pala for example you might be able to push to 800C using only yellow gear and build enabeling uniques if there are some in your build.

Sure if you play a rebuke sentinel things are a complete different world but you are arround long enough to make valid builds anyway.

300C is dogwater.

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I know. I have been playing for many years.

I would agree with you. I’ve been there. Many times with many builds.

My point was that I heard corruption was rescaled at 1.0 release. So 300c as I remember it is now much harder than it was pre-1.0, apparently. Difficulty scales harder with corruption now?

I do not know if it is true as I am not pushing that yet with the new chars I have been working on since 1.0 dropped.


@Ghostlight as far as I’ve heard the only changes was shortening the length of echoes a modifier lasts.

No, they changed the way echo difficulty is scaled. Before 1.0, only the echo mods mattered and corruption level was meaningless and they reversed that.
Old builds that cleared 300c easily had a harder time after launch because of that.

However, balance is all over the place, so in the end it doesn’t even matter.


No healing hands. I’m using void cleave and erasing strike. It’s a pretty fair build, nothing really overpowered.

If 1k is considered overpowered to nerf territory, a lot of non-meta builds would get nerfed too then.

Double those corruption numbers and what EHG said would make more sense. 600 is probably what you’d call a strong build and 2000 is a point where you’d call it vastly overtuned.


I’m just relaying what Mike said in that same stream: “If you start seeing 4 digit corruption numbers, there’s probably something we made a mistake on.”


Yeah fair I know you’re just quoting him. And he’s not wrong.

If he says 1000 is the peak, there is either a mistake in everybody’s power level (not just OP meta builds), or there is a mistake in the difficulty scaling, or there is a mistake in that statement.

If the game is design-balanced around 300…Why do we have a rule not to balance mid cycle with builds easily clearing over 2000.

There might as well be 3 classes in this game.

Initially because it’s standard practice, after that it’s because the players voted they wanted it that way.

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Standard practice by whom? No other team does this.

I didn’t see a vote result which outlined that the community wanted 2k corruption meta overshadowing 2 entire classes.

As much as I love this game, the balance state is actually disgusting given the limited class selection. This thread clearly outlines why…the devs are still so out of touch:(