1 to 75 Werebear 100% Critical Strike 100% Uptime NO EQ or Roots 0.8.2I

hi boardman, i have a question, from your video, i saw that at the end u didnt use ice thorns at your skill bar but there’s still thorns around u when u kill things? why?

It procs when you get hit

I have been leveling a Druid to test out Wearbear myself, and I experienced the same issue; no damage in the early levels. I wanted to try out the Armor nodes for Ice Thorns, as I’ve seen Boardman use it in multiple builds himself. Personally, I think it’s miserable. The armor provides no protection against the multitude of enemies, and Chapter 3 is one of the bigger difficulty spikes I have experienced in the campaign, especially when it comes to those festering cultists.

What I ended up doing was replacing Ice Thorns with specializing in Fury Leap, and taking the “when you land, you get damage bonuses” nodes in the Fury Leap Tree. I also kept the Summon Wolf around; even unspecced and without minion equipment, it survived okay until you get your Mastery at Chapter 4. The speed from the Howl and the landing damage + bonuses from Fury Leap served me great in the beginning chapters. Once I got the Wearbear form, I unspecced Fury Leap and replaced it with Wearbear form, and since then the campaign has been smooth and easy.

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