1.0 Server Status Thread

hehe, it’s economically speaking not a simple decision for them to make, to spend a lot, a lot of money for 2-3 days, every new league launch. So kinda make sense

its not always server capacity. Its software too, sometimes software you made, more often than not software you rely on from others. You cant simulate these kinds of things. And also, even it was a lack of server issues, servers are expensive, and cloud solutions unreliable. You dont invest hundreds of thousands just for a period of a week. The load will spread, the bugs will be fixed. Just stop being impatient. If your car breaks down you are also not ging to ask directly for a refund, but allow some time for the garage to fix it.

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Reading this while not being able to play online, well thats a new level of critical hit.

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Yes, that’s exactly it and we pretty much already know that this isn’t different. There is one or more services that run in the background that are breaking under the pressure. You can have the most insane servers, but it doesn’t matter if one of the online services breaks in the background.

I bet some of them would lol. They will get it fixed and it will be a great game.

They should have palworld IT guys lol


so palworld has a global online server ?

While I do not condone people going crazy and yelling at developers or other members of the community, the reason this is now a standard in “the industry” is partly because people that defend these practices. They are a company not your friend. If you do not work directly for them and you are defending them then maybe take a look at yourself and find out why. The net of the issues is a service was purchased and yet people haven’t been able to access it as it was sold.

I’m waiting for this to be resolved and hope for a speedy conclusion, but I will not act happy about it.


Arrêter de dire ils ne pouvaient pas savoir !!!
Après des années de beta, une simple beta test crash serveur 10 jours avant la sortie aurait pu éviter ce fiasco.
J’aime pas D4 mais blibli a fait une beta crash serveur… (alors un problème de licence pour les joueurs Ps5 à la sortie), sinon le lancement c’est très bien passé.
Ok ils ont plus d’argent… bla bla bla. Mais faire une beta qq jours avant la sortie n’est pas ce qu’il y a plus de cher…
Maintenant il faut attendre lundi (car si demain c’est pas réparé, ne rêvez pas avec le week end… il faudra attendre lundi au mieux).

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cyberpunk was in development for eleven years LOL

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So, i am stuck at Connecting screen, there is no way in hell i am going to call ISP to try and resolve that problem for me. I dont blame any1 but yeah…this one is again on me. Maybe tomorrow i will finally be able to see the game. Thank you in advance, kind regards, your customer

No one defend “these practices”, we just understand things like this happen.
This game is the result of crowdfunding and is still doing better than most AAA company games did at launch in the past decade.

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I absolutely love your transparency here. Keep up the good work! Nice to see a game company take ownership, and give us updates.

Looking forward to play the game, so far it has been nothing but frustration. Decided to not even try before you say it is actually working properly, so as to not get too mad about it when playing.
Good luck fixing it, hope you are in a good state by the weekend. (expect more players btw.)

you can easily play the game. play it offline, works perfectly fine. Stop whining, its unbecoming. You don’t have an SLA with the devs that you are garanteed 99.9% uptime. And even then its still within norm

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marketed as a online service game nobody wants to play offline then redo it in your party bozo


I understand this position, and for larger game companies, it’s definitely something they can/will do. The Diablo 4 launch was pretty smooth, from a connection standpoint, for example. For smaller companies? That’s not always an option, no matter what other companies might be backing them.

It’s also important to understand as consumers that not all things with servers can be easily predicted, nor can they all be solved by simply adding more. Sometimes, server software bugs can pop up as demand increases, showing the devs a problem exists they simply didn’t know about. Some games try to get around that by having things like early access, but that depends on the players actually logging in and playing. While they sold a million copies of the game, I’m sure a lot of them were waiting for the official launch to start playing, especially sales from the past couple months.

TL;DR: It’s the launch day blues. Gotta be patient. During server downtime, I just find something else to do. /shrug

No one wants to play online game in offline mode :wink:

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Oui et non
Tu veux joueur la guilde des marchands tu peux pas.
La n’est pas la question, aujourd’hui on accepte les patchs day one, on accepte les jeux qui sortent et qui ne sont pas terminé, on accepter de payer des éditions avec le new game +(qui était gratuit avant)… etc…
Il faut rester respectueux avec les dev, mais quand tu paies tu dois avoir ce que tu as acheté. Sinon avec le temps les dérives…
A force de rien dire le prochain jeu on line il faudra peut etre attendre 10 -15 jours pour que les serveurs fonctionnent. Et tu diras, la même chose.
C’est triste pour cet éditeur qui a fait d’une belle histoire un beau jeu, mais cela n’est pas pour autant excusable.
ps : Force et courage à eux !!!

thank you for the words. It’s definitely not easy, but you’re doing a good job. You update regularly, I’m used to something different. you’re doing well! Thanks
I hope that things go well for everyone soon, and that the negative recessions are simply 1st world problems again.
but unfortunately people always need someone to blame