1.0 Server Status Thread

ARPGs are in an entirely different boat than other games… If PoE has bad servers for 2 days at league start, the player counts drop by an astronomical number for the entire league… They’re able to recover by the next league due to a lack of competition… with POE 2 coming mid year and GGG planning to alternate POE 1 leagues with POE 2 leagues going forward… this was legitimately LE’s only chance to solidify their spot in the market… If the issues continue through the upcoming week, the game may very realistically never recover.


lase epoch bad
d4 bad
poe good

Had 2 hours of smooth playing on euwest earlier. Untill TPs stopped working.Reconnecting is not even possible now.And I prefer it tbh.AT least I 'm not online thinking I can play. :expressionless:

Yeah but the “last epoch” live streams work good without any probs, why this differences of treatments…?

another fanboy detected. i can understand 1-2 days even 3 but this is 6th day of unplayable game for me and my friend.

Perhaps the devs should consider using some of that “one million copies sold” money on a passenger van

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Es macht den Eindruck, dass nichts passiert und man einfach irgendwelche News veröffentlicht, damit der ein oder andere Spieler zufrieden ist.
Erstattung der Hälfte vom Kaufpreis wäre mal eine Entschädigung!

tja, das sind ja auch unerfahrene Developer…die Millionen wurden über dem Zeitraum des EA verkauft…es waren sonst sehr viel weniger online…die machen jetzt ihre Erfahrung und gut ist. Klar sind die nicht so professionell wie GGG oder Blizzard, aber ich hab da Vertrauen das das noch wird…

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this makes no sense

die Hälfte von 35 Euro? Das ist doch schon wie geschenkt…

the brains, which have not ever heard about stability and fault tolerance of a system

Yeah I mean when I was seeing server issues with only a handful of concurrent players leading up to launch, I expected at minimum the game would be unplayable for the first 3 days… but we’re now entering Day 5, and I’m looking to other games to occupy my interest until the next PoE league (which will likely be announced within the next month).

LE can’t beat Poe.
LE is too simple, with only a little bit of novelty, because Poe has been playing it for too long.

lets say you sold 1 million seats for a venue, let me open the venue that has 100k seats only available and screw the rest, let them fight for the slots.


You clearly wasnt here before GGG worked out all the stuff they needed to have smooth league launches.

Hopefully after 20 cycles this game will also have smooth launches.

i just make an account to say:
Even wolcen didn’t have such a shitshow like you do guys.

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Don’t worry we will soon be hearing “calm down its still their second week, the developers are working hard to fix the issue and are updating us constantly on discord just a little longer guys!”


This is def normal. People just played a game that’s been out for years thinking and making themselves believe that that is mainstream. I try new games, LE had no problem previously… that’s the way it is, no matter how much stress test you do, you cant account for that.

Exactly, why are you people so impatient, wanting to play the game you paid for in the first WEEK smh…


Hello EHG, No update in almost 24 hours. What is going on? I can’t even log in today. Been trying for 2 hours now. I have tried different regions.