1.0 Server Status Thread

Spoken like a true bozo shill.
You speak from experience, Sir.

I think that would more likely be people who have other things to play, or do outside in the meantime. Only a fool expects a launch to be a flawless gem.

They’re doing everything in-house.
You want sellout developers and games, go play D4.

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why are you being dishonest? If you look at reviews you can see its split down the middle in the recent charge so its safe to assume that at least 50% are having issues if not more.

Got in the game after hours of being stuck at various steps, did one echo, got a random disconnect and now I can’t enter again.

If you “go to town” for anything your done.


Anyone else just stuck on eternal loading screen trying to get into Observatory?


I do think there’s certainly a significant amount of people having issues. But I will note 50% negative reviews does not automatically equate to half or more having problems. Humans process negative emotions more thoroughly and intensely as we know. This leads to being more likely to leave negative reviews. So the ratio of people having game breaking problems likely not that high. But tbf we can’t rule it out either.

Why do you humans even fight over such thing.

  1. Its normal for such popular game to have problems with connections/etc
  2. Its normal people are frustrated and want to vent theyr anger.
  3. Yes, they should feel free to complain if they paid for service (ther is no excuse for that, dont try to convince yourself othervise).
  4. 100% devs are doing theyr best to solve those problems, why? money/future of game/company image. They have enough reasons to care, so they do.
  5. Again, complain if u need to, so they know ther problem is big and motivate them to solve it quicker.
    Conclusion : ther is no pooint in arguing what is right and wrong here, because u guys are both completly / absolutely /100% right.

review incoming

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I salute you <3

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complaining does not hasten them fixing anything lol. so delusional.

Brother *(or Sista), i guarantee you, if ther would be 0 complain and everyone would be silent, im 100% positive it would take more time to fix it, we know how companys work, we all do :smiley:
Even the good ones :kissing_heart:

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This game is unplayable in a party. Portaling to player works like 10% of the time

Here we go again, connecting takes ages, swapping maps takes ages. How hard is it to fix this shit it’s been 4 days since launch omfg never seen such a bad launch in 20+ years


Party multiplies the problem with connections honestly, but it wasnt bad during night/low server pressure time, i played with friends just fine in those hours (like extra 20-30s loading for instance max). But right now, until servers and all connection problems arent solved i would give u advice to just take it lightly and play solo.
what i did with mates: we decided to play solo and meet at end-game, we just talk/write with eachother.

Again infinite loading EU West…

Theres a difference between bringing up a problem, and constantly crying about.
and i can guarentee you, 1000% percent, that constantly doing it, will not make them fix it faster.

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fun fact, if you are loading infinitely, you can press DELETE and see your character, press delete and the loading screen shows again.



I know it’s the weekend, but it’s the launch weekend. Not seeing much feedback from EHG on the connectivity issues. Have they pulled a GGG and decided it’s easier to ignore the complaints?

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