1.0 Server Status Thread

Even after the patch it doesn’t help. Basicly only mechanic that really works on this game is their update section about their effort to run the LE…

I guess we all need to change our way of thinking that if we purchase something we are ENTITLED if we expect it to work right away.

Next time I buy a car, I will be ok with it if I cant take it out pass the parking lot, and they have to work on it for a week or two to get it working. my bad.


Almost makes me miss D4 and its “increased damage to unhealthy chilled slowed controlled poisoned elites on tuesdays”.


God damn y’all guys need to chill wtf, can’t even handle a couple of days of network issues, give them time to recover…

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already did so no

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close game… load patch… its ALOT better now!

For about as long as a good bull ride…

It is actually so bad that it is not working after all this time… I think you seriously need to consider your whole MP architecture.

I bought the early access many years ago, and bought the deluxe edition again because I really like the game. But I am very disappointed by you not being able to handle the launch. I think there are very few excuses for this bad performance. There is no reason other than bad architecture for there would be any problems zoning between areas that are not a hub… Multiplayer games is definitely a problem space that have a lot of known solutions, so I have a hard time understanding how you can mess up this badly.


They had 5 years to prep for this… Worst online game fresh start in years, even waiting in queue to get in Lost Ark was more satysfying then this disconects/LE-61 errors or login problems…

Patched aaaaand… been in the loading screen for the End of Time for 5 minutes. Rad. :sunglasses:

Not gonna lie I enjoyed the game a lot before they pivoted into developing Loading Screen Simulator 2024 on Last Epoch’s engine, but I’m kinda here for this new product as well.


People including myself have given them time 3 days is alot of time at the start of cycle. The nice feeling and hype for the fresh start and enjoying racing other people have gone.

After over two years I have change my review to negative and warned people to stay away till cycle 2 when hopefully the game Performance will be better. Great game is worth nothing if your tech does not allow me to enjoy it.


close a shit working game, update, cannot log back xD

Grade eben das Update gemacht, bis jetzt läuft es super… :slight_smile: Auch wenn es grade nicht so läuft wie es sollte mit dem Game, habt ihr hier ein tolles Spiel gemacht. Macht weiter so liebes Team von Last Epoch, vielen danke für eure tolle Arbeit. :+1:

This is actually a recipe for chocolate chip cookies without egg!

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Guys, I don’t know what you did, but it’s working fine now! Insta teleports. SA Server.

2 days. It’s been out for 2 days and 3 hours.

Anyone have issues with things like not being able to complete quests, specifically artems offer?

It is working perfectly after this small patch! Thank you!

Stop typing messages like this, problem has not been resolved!


yes playing on US now…