1.0 Server Status Thread

Yep. I know that is short-sighted, completely agree with your point and i was already expecting this shit show to happen since is not their first time. It is just a repetition of their multiplayer launch but now in the 1.0.

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Many people told you already, you are hard coping. ā€œFor the first week or twoā€? :slight_smile: The game was fixed promptly. Its a shit game though, nothing to say there, but it was playable and playable soon.

Everyone got different launch experiences. D4 was for me no Problem at all i played the first Week without issues atall and with queue times for 15 minutes at maximum.

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I seriously dont understand it. I am Level 72 online character. Are the servers working great ? No for sure not and loadtimes and sometimes several minutes, but is it unplayable ? For sure not.

clearly you lack any logical thinking. gg snowflake

Ahh yeah cuz i got another opinion. obv not.

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Well, you got lucky. Itā€™s unplayable for me and my friends. Canā€™t even load into game right now. I managed to play like 3 hrs today before the issues started again.

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point proven thanks. :slight_smile:

No. There were at the very worst like 30 minutes queue and you were fine as soon as you were in. May be first 1-2 day it was over 30 minutes, but 3rd day you could login instantly. You are simply making things up.

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Donā€™t worry guys, weekend is here :slight_smile: The future is bright. Potentially peak CCU and closed offices :slight_smile: Its ā€œfairly stableā€ though :slight_smile:

it is kinda tiresome tho that you have to basically stay online as long as you can to play online. once you log out or exit the game you might not be able to reconnect.

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Dev update is here

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I donā€™t know how itā€™s going, either itā€™s the time people are trying to play or if itā€™s more location based. Had I been willing to play more than an hour or two each night, I could have been in the 70ā€™s too online as well.

Some people are just not having the same experience. Same as how some people say they were able to play Diablo4 with little issues at the start. That is NOT what the historic record shows for that gameā€™s release. Heck, the only good thing you can say about D4ā€™s launch is that it wasnā€™t as bad as D3ā€™s.

Omg, traveling takes still forever. This weekend will be terrible for this gameā€¦

What youā€™re describing is Helldivers2. That is until they put in the Anti-AFK script yesterday.

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ā€œmultiple deployments/updates planned for todayā€ oh boy :slight_smile: Get ready ladsā€¦

And we back to ā€œonline play unavailableā€ ā€¦ great


Did everything go down right now?

I have been playing fine today (EU).

OMG! It still alive?

if only offline works

mine dont
when I create the character I canā€™t get past the first loading screen

if I quit the game and restart it the character is present in the list but if I select it and click ā€œenter gameā€ nothing happens