1.0 Server Status Thread

LE-61 failed to matchmake is getting more frequent again.

Maybe because THOUSANDS of people are screaming at them. Do you think your voice matters in adding onto the screaming? Let them fix the damn game. Go touch grass lmao


I really enjoy those forever lasting loading screens and crashes… gg :wink: It’s not even rush hour in EU…

to be honest, i think its kinda misleading to say its kinda fixed. 30min in loading screen right now… I know we should play offline, but come on guys…

If you think calling someone incompetent isn’t rude, you are incompetent in the social skill department, I’m afraid to say.

If it doesn’t matter then why put the fist in my mouth …it’s just another opinion in the thousands out there…

Do I sit in front of their dream of fixing the damn game ? Do you see me trip wiring them so that they don’t fix it ?

Can you please try and make some sense ?

I may be, but yet I don’t have a mute button to erase your post, don’t I ? So you are entitled to say anything to me, while I cannot say it to them…Get some brain cells. <—Now that is social skill incompetence. And I am still not feeling insulted.

Also why do you think it’s rude to call someone who is incompetent that he is incompetent …Do I need to put my sanitized gloves every time a company fucks up and bend on my knees to kiss the boots ? What will me achieving a high social skill competence resolve in that matter ?

7AM US East update, when attempting to load into an area, instead of a 2-5min wait, after approx 2mins you’re disconnected and sent back to character selection. It’s getting worse.

EU west, got kicked and cant log back in

Here´s a good idea!
How about people play offline and stop stressing and getting FOMO for whatever reason? GG!

Can you refund me half of my money because the online part of the product doesn’t work ? I’ll go play offline after.

Does that really matter in the long run if you miss a day or two online if you´re gonna continue playing the game for a long time? Sure it´sbad but you can still play the game right? :slight_smile:

Get kicked in offline mode as well. GG… sure.

EU west kicked me out.

The third day in a row can’t log in. :pensive: Seems all problems are solved once EU is sleeping…

This is just sad, and funny in a way. I mean come on guys, IT isn’t THAT hard.

Day #3 are we still praising the dev team? Are we still making excuses because its an independent company. When you were able to login and play o

Worst launch of all time and counting still, you brag about a million pre orders, you stay in alpha/beta for over a half decade and your game is still unplayable online for going on 2 days now.

Solid release boys, cant wait to get my free cosmetic in 6 days when we can actually play the game.

Yea, it turned out that one single server for a region of 750 miliion people was a bad idea

Yes it seems ok when concurrent players is well below 120-130k. When it pushes that, everything halts. Also has anyone tested if those ppl that are mostly fine may have downloaded full game after release? Wondering if it matters when you had beta installed and just downloaded small update at release.

I just updated the game without reinstalling and i’ve been playing during 2 days just fine (apart from when the game was actually offline)