0.8.5 on the Horizon | Development Update January 2022

Why not? Just put a big telegraphed hit down, he won’t move out of the way…

Yeah, that’s what worries me, as much as I’d like to have a functional AH.

And add an avalanche…

I think there might be ways to make an AH that will prevent RMT (not sure about Bots though).

  1. Anonymous (no seller identified)
  2. Buyout only
  3. Your item isn’t available (visible) to others right away. First, the game will make the item invisible for 5-30 minutes (random timer, including seconds). Then, the game will randomly start to make it visible (searchable) to random “groups” of players. Every 10 minutes, it selects additional randomized groups of players who can see the item. I think dividing the player base into 10 chunks (10% per chunk) should be enough that you can never guarantee anyone will be the first to see a posted item.

I think this would prevent an RMT company from being able to pass a specific item to a specific player.

Feel free to pick the idea apart, but I’ve been thinking about it since those last mega-threads on Trading.

Without RMT, I worry less about people “botting” content, as then, they are only doing it for themselves and it doesn’t affect me. I suppose botting rare items and flooding the AH (not caring who buys it) might cause EHG to lower drop rates, so I still think botting needs to be addressed.


No it won’t not anymore then anything else would.

ow, my pride.


I understand why it could seem that way from the wording but this is not what the intention of this post is. What it is intending to say is that the test will happen sometime later in the year than today. It isn’t intending to convey any new information as to timelines. I edited the post to make more sense.


Arena looks promising!

Keen to see arena putting more variety in it’s combat and hopefully the demands it places on builds.

This I’m very interested in! :smile:

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Haha! Yeah, “later this year” could read as a delay, although I initialIy did not understand it as such.

The party that releases a product always aims at the end of a mentioned time frame. The customer always hopes for the beginning.

“Multiplayer testing in Q1 2022” from EHG standpoint means that it drops around the 31th of March, which really is “later this yeah”. The optimists always hope that q1 means January.


Cautiously optimistic that EHG understands the importance of trading to those who enjoys it and sees it as a key mechanism for items to be valuable. Looking forward to hear more about the new ideas for trading in LE!


Would like an arena like the Delirium one in PoE. Something very challenging but also increasingly rewarding.

My only comment on trading is that it has to be barter trading. Runes and glyphs are what I want, not gold. Unless gold has some future value.

Time to start saving arena keys instead of selling :slight_smile:
Also hoping that EHG is steering clear of anything even remotely resembling open trading. For exhibit A on why not, just look at the trading fiasco on discord for PoE

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I am extremely happy to hear this.


Keen to see Soul Gambler since I posted a few times about being able to gamble boss souls to an NPC and just repurpose the gambler for it. You just make timeline bosses drop ‘xx’ souls you trade it at the npc for a ‘unique Staff’ with maybe slightly higher weightings to gamble for something you want

Trade still has no meaning as nobody can still tell me whats the point of trading with someone unless its a direct trade ie a weapon for another. theres no way to price an item

Gold has no value, theres has never been a proper attempt to address this and this is the fundamental reason to trade. I dont need gold for anything but stash tabs nowadays and if nothing is changed people will charge ludicrous prices for things - got a T7 flat Void+ Hollow Blade? yeah I want 100 million gold.

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You might have missed the previous (and now, locked) Mega-threads on Trading. Worth the few hours to read them and catch up on it. But it goes without saying, fully open trade allows RMT, which is automatic death of the game.


nah (5 char)

“While player trading will still be a part of the game” this makes me happy.

Good choice, i personally never liked the idea of a Bazaar.
I hope Last Epochs Ensgame System wont only consist of Dungeons as it currently looks like it in their Roadmap.

I’d be more worried about your head from all the rocks that drop on it…

Given they removed gambling for uniques I very much doubt that they’d add it back in under a different name. And “boss souls” would just be gold with a different name (and being significantly more scarce). Maybe they would, if they feel that the scarcity of the resource would be enough to make it the non-optimal path.