When wraiths are spawned before the echo ends, and you portal out of the echo, they stop being able to attack and do not lose health. This happens very often while I’m doing monoliths, and I have to teleport somewhere else, i.e. observatory, to get the wraiths to despawn completely. The wraiths sit there unmoving and do not attack or even turn to face enemies. You cannot spawn dread shades onto the wraiths that are frozen to try and kill them off. You can still teleport them with you when using the transplant skill in combination with the “minions teleported around when using transversal skill”, but still continue to not attack.
[wraith broken ss](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/987966577368530997/1212221729343012874/image.png?ex=65f10c76&is=65de9776&hm=acb737e6ce4bee5103843b83654ca71440770e46c787ad2b1d290dd5c688055d&)
same thing with bosses that teleport you or warps you around, it will lock 90% of my wraiths and end up dying because i have no damage because they are frozen there taking up a summon spot doing nothing
Have the same isue
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