Wraithlord's Harbour Needs Rework

I was psyched to use this because I liked the idea of having a perm minion auto summoning wraiths for me but the fact he consumes my other minions completely gimps my damage, and the wraithlord is not empowered enough to compensate. the wraithlord does not have the dps and screen clearing capabilities of the 15+ minions he consumed. please remove this mechanic from the helm

its funny you say that cause its one of the most meta necromancer builds currently.

The wraithlord is so strong its outweighs most other minions.

When set up even half properly, it does insane damage with decent clear. And it heals itself etc.

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I think this is a clear case of not utilizing a build defining and build enabling unique to its full extend and then complaining that it is not powerful enough.
While in reality it is one of the strongest things that exist right now for that type of archetype.

This item does narrow down the type of build you can play and use, but that is the point of a build defining unique. Removing that mechanics from it would make it blend into 10000 other regular minion builds and you wouldn’t call any of these builds a “Wraithlord” build anymore but rather a “Wraithlord & Co.”.

We need more uniques such as this, not less (not from a powerperspective but from a build enabling perspective)


lol. Maybe if you just slap the helmet on and do nothing else, sure. When you actually build for the build defining Unique you’re wearing, it’s incredibly strong and takes almost zero effort to get there.

hmmm…fair enough, ill take another look at it. first impressions were super underwhelming but i admit ignorance may have played a part lol

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This is a feature. If you intend to use the item, you might consider how this feature can best be utilized. As I think was already pointed out, Wraithlord right now is one of the most powerful acolyte builds currently. But you actually do have to use the helmet as it was designed.

Isn’t that just generic minion spell stuff though? Doesn’t exactly look as though there’s some sooper seekrit special sauce that’s necessary to make it go from shit to awesome.

To name a few: Running Dread Shade specced appropriately is important, as well as Infernal Shade if you want to really push the damage. Speccing Summon Wraith, and correctly, is also important. Crit Multiplier for minions is also a big deal since you’re making it auto-crit. You can’t just slap it into a generic minion build.

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Apart from possibly Infernal Shade that looks relatively generic to me (IMO).

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