Wraithlord Necro is Bugged ATM! FIX ASAP!

Hey everyone! I am here to report that currently the Wraithlord is not working as intended in the most recent patch.

Every time Wraithlord is summoned he struggles to consume all minions. He leaves 1 minion behind and then is stuck in an animation dealing 0 damage to enemy mobs. Can we please get this fixed as soon as possible?


Critical bug indeed. Pls fix soon!


Same here, Fun Fact, if you keep summoning zombies, you can have infinite skeleton vanguards, I’m up to 200 now!

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Same problem. Wraithlord no longer consumes all non-wraith minions. He does not summon any wraiths and does not shoot necrotic beams. He just stands around waving his hands and does nothing. Please fix this build breaking bug. Thanks.


Same here.

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Anyone having any information about an ETA of the fix for this bug? This bug makes an entire character spec completely unplayable. I noticed there was a 1.08.1 but no info on this problem.

Same here - perpetually stuck consuming nothing…

Hey a quick update! Developers are now aware of this bug and they have informed me that the team is actively working on a solution. The bug will be fixed in the next coming patch.

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Hello, I had this problem yesterday, I launch a game, a large group of mobs come, the Wraith lord did not react, fatal, I lost my level 95: s


Hello I’m having the same issue. It is unplayable like this. Any news on when they are going to patch it? Hopefully soon like today…

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Wraithlord bug is now fixed

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