First off all amazing job u guys this is gonna be huge but I dont think Woven echo should have possibility to be bought from faction. Reason for that is it makes it instantly available if u have enough currency which most likely u always will at the end game and it consequentially makes them not valuable. Reason for that its always at your disposal, and secondly it is killing that adrenalin for them to drop especially if u have more rarer type of woven echo which I assume u do. I hope u made that common ones are only ones able to be bought and others are random drops that would make me bite my tounge lol. So the idea is great…amazing actually, the only thing I really believe it is a big miss here is the way they are obtained, remember POE when u get a map drop higher tier that u just wanted…I know we dont have any details but still I had to say this couse I really think this is a mistake and by that u are cutting a lot of adrenalin rush on drops
I believe what woven echo u PLAY is not coming from choosing it but from looking for it
It’s rather unclear how we’ll acquire the nodes for the woven echo. We don’t know if they’ll only be dropped or can also be bought.
Also we don’t know what the cost might be, if it’s a favor system as well it can be adjusted accordingly. If it’s gold… that would be a disaster since MG would’ve a massive upside then.
Also we don’t know how often it’s planned to get them, or what the difference between the types is.
If there’s some types which are simply more fitting for a personal build or rewards are changed depending on the node then some might be valued more or less substantially. So even with abundance it wouldn’t pose an issue, as long as the valuable one are reliably scarce.
Actually I would personally want to see the option to perma-run solely woven echo nodes at a baseline level should I so desire, with the option to acquire valuable ones through those baseline ones. Hence a unique type of content which gives a unique type of reward, forcing me to abstain from running other type of content if I want to focus on it.
A substantial amount of such types of content leads to specialization or allowing to change what you run simply related to personal favorites or mood, which is what provides long-term enjoyment without something feeling repetitive hence.
It can go either way since we lack the knowledge about the details on how the system is set up. There’s a ton of ways to make it awful… but also a ton of ways to make it one utterly fantastic system. It entirely depends on the details, because with such systems… the devil’s in the details.