Wolf companions and swipe cause too much flash

Wolf companion attacks and Primalist swipe cause too much screen flash, even with the enemy flash option and screen shake turned off. This means the flash must be built into the skills themselves. The constant flash is REALLY aggravating a a few minutes, especially with multiple wolves, to the point I can’t play. Please fix!

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I’m not sure what you’re talking about. I leveled several Primalists and I have one who is totally focused on wolves, but I don’t have a flash on screen. So either I don’t understand what you mean, or it may be a bug that you’ll have to report.

Werebear Swipe flashes white on some hits – maybe it is meant to be the crit indicator, but on 100% crit it fairly spams the screen. The wolf attacks flash in a similar manner a lot of the time. Its like a smaller swipe crit, but again its going off all the time.
Because you associate the flash with your own skills your eye keeps losing track of where your atttention should be focused, and when you fight mobs with their own white effects – imagine a Frost Wyrm – you struggle to even register where you are on screen and what you are attacking. I’ve got perfect color vision, but considering how common color perception difficulties exist (particularly in males which I assume to be some proportion >50% of the players), I really sympathise with anyone who loses track of their character for long periods (5 seconds in an ARPG boss encounter…).

A related point that exacerbates this issue is many of the tilesets are in far too restricted a color palette, particularly when the themed monsters AND their spell effects share the palette of the tileset. It is very common to be on a red palette tileset with red monsters doing fire attacks at you, then in all that red there are all these white explosions tha are probably you but might be your companion.
Tileset and monster clarity are really difficult to get right while maintaining a great art style like we already have, and I don’t think too many people here who are enjoying the art style would want it too move too far in the direction of cartoon palettes, even for the sake of clarity.
Glad we have skilled devs :smile: )

Ninja edit: Was thinking while playing and I find my werebear the hardest to keep track of on screen. He is basically the color and texture of the floor right now and camouflages himself! We have some lovely new models coming to us and should probably wait to see how well that helps.


Maybe it’s not exactly a flash, but the wolf attack hit animation is “bright” and it is hard for me to look at after a few minutes.

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This may not really be a solution, but you may want to try and toggle the in-game brightness (under the graphics setting)… It seems to affect contrast & brightness at the same time so it may temporarily help you…

Obviously this is only a stop-gap… There have been numerous posts on the forums about skills being too much/too busy/too difficult to see whats going on… I am not sure what the devs ultimate decision would be but there have been quite a few requests for a “tone down skill effects” toggle in settings… Probably something that is going to have to go hand in hand with performance updates when the devs get around to them…

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I assume you mean something like this: Twitch

There have been many bug report threads on the issue, reddit threads, etc.

Nah… I think the OP is referring to the particular skill effects and not to this known bug…

there have been numerous posts on the forums about skills being too much/too busy/too difficult to see whats going on

it’s not just about visibility, at this point pretty much all of LE’s effects are so flashy and screen-obscuring that I’m genuinely concerned about epileptic players. I personally can’t play for more than short runs because of migraines and nausea, and I usually only get that from FPS games that force a super-narrow FoV with tons of viewsway or screen bob.

The problem is a combination of brightness and the way skills are rendered making them appear to be “on top” of all of the other action. They don’t feel like they’re part of the game world occurring in the same physical space as the player character and enemies. It’s more like they’re a screen overlay effect in an oldschool FPS.

Which causes two issues: The first being the obvious strobe-light like effect which only gets worse as skill radius and cast speeds level up, and the second more subtle issue is caused by messing with the human player’s illusion of depth perception. Because the skill effects feel like they’re existing “on top” of the screen rather than at the same (illusory) depth as the enemies and player character it’s the equivalent of having someone constantly wave their hand in front of your face while you’re intently focused on something else.

Only that hand is also a strobe light.

Imho this is a pretty serious issue that shouldn’t wait until a hypothetical future optimization run. The likelihood of this causing a serious issue for people is going to grow rapidly with the playerbase. I don’t know if I’d call it exponential but it’s definitely worse odds than linear.

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