Wild Calling & Lupine Attunement, Swipe Specialization nodes

Apart from Wild Calling having a “chance” of proccing and Lupine Attunement proccing three Spirit Wolves on hit, what is the difference between these two skills?

Because at the moment, they look exactly the same only one guarantees Spirit Wolves on hit and the other doesn’t, which practically makes it a useless node that doesn’t need to exist, and could be replaced with something actually useful.

Lupine Attunement guarantees 1 spirit wolf per summoned Wolf because the preceeding node give Swipe a 2s cooldown so it can’t be spammed unlike Wild Calling.

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On top of what Llama said, Wild Calling gives you a chance to call forth s spirit wolf from each of your wolves. So Lupin Attunement gives you a guarantee from one, and the other wolves still have a chance.

Wild calling feels a lot more useful to me, because you are constantly proccing spirit wolves.

That’s not what Lupine Attunement says. It states that you get 1 spirit wolf from each summoned wolf.

I stand corrected, thank you. Memory in my old age should force me to double-check before I post.

So the main difference for the OP is the cost of access for each. For Wild Calling it only costs 3 points, but to get Lupine Attunement it takes a minimum of 6 points.

And Lupine Attunement’s preceeding node having a 2s cooldown while Wild Calling’s path is all about spamming Swipe.

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Oh I see. I didn’t realize in order to get LA you need to grab the node that gives Swipe a cooldown. I suppose that’s the tradeoff here.