Why would anyone choose to put points into the juggernaut passive in the forgeguard tree? 15 armor and 2% less hit damage (that you do) per point? If it is called 'juggernaut you would think it would be ‘take less dmg but do less dmg’ or something that is actually a worthy tradeoff. – what about replacing the weird potion nodes at the very top of the tree with something that did just that? It fits the forgeguard theme much better? Just some thoughts and inquity!
Gotta remember that their not done with the stances for Sentinel yet…they still have to implement the skill trees which might make them work in entirely new ways
I believe he’s talking about the Passive, not the stance.
For what it’s worth, I don’t think it’s a terribly weak node (though I will note that it’s 25 Armor, not 15).
10% Decreased damage (if fully invested; I’m pretty sure this isn’t multiplicative) isn’t really that much damage loss though for effectively 125 more health against physical damage. And that’s before you start adding % increases to armor from other passives (which I believe stack with it?).
it would be more useful if that node was indeed “take % less damage while doing % less damage” , that would also “fit” more to the juggernaut description.
I mean… that’s kind of what it’s doing? It’s just physical damage that’s being “reduced” because you’re getting Armor.
I think saddling someone with more armor but removing some offense still fits the Juggernaut idea.
And I think a flat %Less damage would probably be too strong as a passive (consider that the juggernaut stance skill is itself a base 15% less damage taken if you use it). Especially for a passive that’s relatively low on the Forge Guard tree and is accessible by all Specializations.
It’s kinda ok for bleed and ignite builds since you don’t really care abut hit damage.
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