Why play Hardcore?

yea, it’s just a tag which is cool to have. And it’s kind of fun to know your char has never died. But no permanent death, you rez into standard mode.

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I don’t play hardcore characters in any game simply because I die often and it really sucks dying

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I liked playing HC on D2 because of the adrenaline I’d get from almost dying. I’d never play HC on LE (or POE) because of how rippy things were. This is something I miss about D2. The only moment where things got to the "one-shotted’ level was in hell mode which I was more than prepared to deal with.

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Yeah dying sucks and its even worst if you lose everything that is gained. Character including.


D2 hell mode was a whole different game. I remember when I first reached Hell and everything I thought was good was no longer good haha. I cant imagine playing HC on D2 with that experience I have had.

I rolled a lightning Amazon and was doing great until I hit hell and ran into lightning immune monsters. I basically gave up at that point. :skull::skull::skull::skull:

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Don’t blame you. haha. I probably would have given up on HC back them also. Actually I think I did because of that. But its been so long I cant remember.

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yea, I’m glad LE doesn’t have damage type immune monsters … that is just plain annoying. Higher resists here and there fine, but immune, no.


for that matter, can’t say that I miss damage reflect either …


Yeah immunities, damage reflect and that suppression bubble that’s in D4 is annoying gameplay systems to me. But they could be fun to others.

I like the challange. Where is the fun if i don’t even care to die to any trashmob? In Monoliths and Dungeons/Arena there are consequencens but i like them to be there in the story play as well, so i play hardcore.
If i liked a char very much i go on play it in softcore if i just wan’t to see flashy colours and want to relax.
So i would say for me its 80% hc, 20% sc play.

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Force of habit. To make my own pseudo-challenge. To feel afraid of monsters, etc.

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I think the HC implementation in LE is ideal! You can give HC a go with a new build - if it’s your first you will have an empty stash and no gold, but that’s quite nice after being loaded/full of gear for a while. Then you get to play with the added excitement of any death being critical!

However, if you do die, you just go back to softcore/normal, so it’s not like you lose your character. For me, I start every new char now on HC - if I die, I can choose whether to continue that char in softcore, or start over in HC - I don’t feel like I’ve “failed” if I die in HC, and I don’t lose my char, but the concept of “death” in HC does add another aspect of excitement that was previously missing.

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Yeah I feel its less punishing when compared to other ARPGs. Which I am okay with to be honest. I welcome that for me to try HC out for the first time.

I play HC so that I can say that I am better than everyone.

No, I actually play hardcore because I find making builds in HC more fun. You need to balance both defense and offense with much stricter penalties than in SC where you can get away by going almost purely offense (until high corruption at least).

Also having a build die shows weaknesses in a build which can then be fixed with a new iteration. This to me lets me refine my own builds to a higher degree and I find that fun.

Also, I am better than you.

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Haha. Yeah playing HC could push u to focus more on the type of build and probably figure out what works and what doesn’t work as well.