Why is there a ‘deathless’ for SC?

Trade an item in Solo, trade/party with someone in offline mode…

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Ye that is what I viewed it as on my very 1st character ever and when I made it through the whole campaign deathless, my next goal was to get throuogh regular monoliths deathless, which I did up until the point in which my 1st death came at the hands of Chromancer Julra in T1 because I didn’t know the boss mechanics at all. I didn’t die otherwise until my 2nd or 3rd echo in empowered monoliths from a pack of those fireball meteor angel things. It gave me a sense that my build was pretty good overall at that point though, and especially because I hadn’t followed any build guide up until that point. Ended up getting to lvl 100 utilising Bleed=>Fire conversion, Poison Fang Set for some extra source of DoT damage. Now I can easily farm T2 Julra wiith it at least (haven’t pushed it to T3 yet as I’m still trying to get a +3 or +4 Storm crow chest armour to drop for my Serpent Strike/SC Beastmaster) :slight_smile:

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