Why is the Falcon immune?

I just started playing a Falconer and wanted to know if the Falcon themselves are supposed to be immune to all damage? The falcon’s survivability is trivialized which makes the mastery feel even more powerful then it should be IMO.

Yeah, it’s designed that way intentionally. I don’t personally agree with it being immune for a number of reasons, but that’s the way they designed it. It’s in some notes by the devs a while back when they were introducing some of the details of the Falconer.

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I thought about it and it makes sense since the Falcon is always circling above you. I’d imagine if they allowed the Falcon to take damage then it would be problematic and difficult to counter play because of the AI’s movement.

The Falcon would be dying left and right from all the times they would accidentally fly into an aoe lol

Have you ever tried to hit a falcon that didn’t want to get hit? Not as easy as it sounds, lol. :smiley:


I agree but I’d say the same thing for crows too. Why’s your rogue’s bird better than my primalist’s bird?

#Justiceforcrows #AvianEquality #Crowslivesmatter


I got both birds. My 100 beastmaster uses crows. Guessing they are not immune because there is more than one of them. Maybe in the crow skill tree, make it so if you only use one crow, it could be immune too? I know my dps goes way, way, way up with the more crows I got going.

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That’s why we have AA/flak & FAE. Or nukes as a fallback option. Or failing that, massive high power radar/microwave transmitters. And wind turbines just for funsies.

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The falcon tech could solve a lot of modern AA problems, lol.
Seriously though, after struggling to keep storm crows alive on beastmaster (all 5 of em) it is such a relaxing feeling of overpoweredness having an immune pet.

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I think the main difference is that the falcon doesn’t tank for you, nor does it attract fire. Thus, they’re immune. Minions/companions do, thus they’re not.
I like having meat shields as a necro. If they were also immune, they’d be totally broken.

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I was literally thinking about storm crows as I typed this out.

Agreed for the most part but Necro minions also are damage dealers so there’s a second issue of losing all your DPS as your meat shields go down. Falconer gets the DPS without ever worrying about the minion.

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That is a good point. On the other hand, if the falcon doesn’t tank for you or attract enemy fire, it’s pretty much like a skill. Or maybe more like an aura. It’s there, it deals damage regularly, but it doesn’t soak up damage/aggro, so you still have to evade/get defenses up.
Also, on its own, it doesn’t deal as much damage. You need to use its skills like dive bomb for real DPS.

All in all, I’d say it’s fairly balanced. There could be a case for making crows work in a similar way, but they’re companions and I imagine that would require a lot of recoding to make it work/balanced.

Also, in theory, I wouldn’t be opposed to falcons being like proper minions/companions and soak up damage and attract aggro, but that would also require re-balancing.

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Giving falconer another defense layer in the form stacking minion health on a mobile pet that draws aggro?

The problem with falconer is the bloated dmg numbers and multipliers. The mechanics of the class are ok. No need to fix what’s not broken when so many other things are.

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I’m finding the passives give ample amount of defensive layers for Falconer.

  • Dodge / Glancing Blows/ Leech / Less Damage while moving / armor / 100% inc move speed

It’s also much easier to dodge mechanics because I don’t worry about keeping the falcon alive.

Necro, for example, if my minions die then I lose a defensive layer as well as my dps. When I am dodging mechanics i have to keep myself , and my minions out of harms way.

A solution is skelly mage convocation however traversal experimental affix is bugged and not properly transporting the correct number of minions with Grave Passage/ Death’s Calvary allocated.

I understand it would require a rework since falconer would be unplayable if the falcon took damage from aoe indirectly.

But falcon is not really a minion. Falconry is a minion scaling aura with an active burst skill. Dive Bomb and Aerial Assault are just minion scaling active skills.

Would the game be better if they reworked it as a classic pet? At some point, maybe. But at the moment there are hundreds of other issues with falconer that need addressing, in my opinion.

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Would the game be better if they reworked it as a classic pet? At some point, maybe. But at the moment there are hundreds of other issues with falconer that need addressing, in my opinion.

Agreed, I would prefer other masteries getting updated/buffed and bugs being addressed over changing/nerfing over preforming masteries.

New mob idea: Walking wind turbines that hit birds LOL

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They need to make forged weapons immune.

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I really don’t know except that it was one of the more recently developed classes and the trend seems to be that more recent classes are more powerful.

I recall as a kid, there being a falcon that banged into a tree on my family’s property and died. Didn’t seem very smart to me but okay.

I guess falcons are like uber unicorns here?


I have. Northern Scotland, 2007. I had an air-gun with a decent scope but that falcon had stacked Dodge.


It could have been drunk at the time.

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Why are you calling @Ghostlight “it”?

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