Why is my bleed damage so low

Im using a bleed build on my lich. I can put 100+ stacks of bleed on target very quickly. I have 800% combined phys and dot damage with 40% bleed and 20% phys penetration. On the target dummies in the arena, i can get my ticks to over 30K but on enemies with max stacks it only does 2-5K ticks. Where am i going wrong?

Not realising that the mobs get up to ~90% damage reduction based on area level & the dummies don’t.


there is a unique bleed chest you could use to help.

This aside, I max my bleed stacks out at 999 and still only do 17k per tick to the dummies, while my bleed damage is at 400. The math just isn’t there

I can’t comment without seeing your build (LETools is your friend, you can import the build without having to manually add everything).

From my point of view it looks like dot vuilds got worse with 1.0. I know they weren’t nerfed but somehow my bleed build and ignite build is pulling it’s weight and I stoped playing them. In the latest EA stages 0.9.X I didn’t had the same impression with crappier gear.

To be clear: I can’t pinpoint the “problem” and my observation is biased and I could be completely wrong.

Training dummies are very bad indicators of the damage you will do because they are defenceless. You can expect the numbers you see against a dummy to be ~10x higher than what you will see in the game.

As to why you actually lack damage, putting 100 bleed (or any DoT) stacks on the enemy “very quickly” tells us nothing. How quickly? 100 bleed stacks is weak. For reference, my Ignite Runemaster hits 600 Ignite stacks in about 2 seconds. I ended up deleting her, but I also used to have a Puncture/Bleed Marksman who could hit 500 Bleed stack in mere seconds.

To fix this you need a LOT higher chance to Bleed on hit and/or a lot more Bleed duration, so stacks stay on longer. Increasing both of these will mean you apply stacks faster and reach a higher total amount of stacks.

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OK that sounds very wrong. The RM I mentioned above who can drop 600 Ignite stacks is doing over 300k per tick at 600 stacks.

That said, I have not played that char since 1.0 dropped. I will re-check when I log in later.

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