Why I'm not going to make it to level 100 this cycle

Just lost a multimillion gold item to a DOT from a dead mob. My life drained so fast I couldn’t even hit a pot before I was dead. It is crazy to me that a DOT insta kills you. What’s the point of it being a DOT?

Merchant Guild levels are not easier this cycle. I don’t care what the patch notes say. I’m level 85 and I have not even unlocked level 7. It’s legit making me stop playing. The grind is too much.

Weird bugs.
Sometimes, mobs attack me, and they don’t show on the screen. I die
Sometimes I can’t see items that are on the ground even after I turn off the item filter. I lose items
Sometimes the item filter just doesn’t work at all. I lose items and the will to play.
Sometimes I click on items to pick them up and it doesn’t work. I lose items.

The experience with the game is pretty bad this cycle.

What I would do to fix these issues.

Remove insta kill DOTs. All DOTS should allow for reaction to them. It’s very frustrating to see your life turn all yellow and drain away so fast (Less then 1 second) you cannot react.

Cut the favor in half required for levels of the merchant guild

Fix the bugs. The weird crazy bugs. The stability of the game this cycle has been really bad. Crashes and hangs and lag. I’ve even had the game just give up and close on me, mid game play. Very likely am taking a very long break from the game in hopes that when I come back mid cycle, this stuff is fixed. If not, Maybe I’ll Cya next cycle because this isn’t good.

P.S. To anyone that wants to try to blame my pc, I have a I9 12th gen with 64g ddr4, 3070 and 5g fiber internet and I did not have these issues last cycle.

P.S.S. I’m never coming back to this thread again. So, flaming, trolling or even responding to this post will be pointless. This is feedback for the company.

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To be fair… your character has not all idol slots unlocked, so I’m not surprised this is happening.
You’re stuck in normal timelines still after all, which you should be past since a long long time by now at your level.

I know I’ve made some major blunders in terms of build-suggestions in the last times but even I can see that you should direly switch your exalted amulet for one with a proper base for you (like the -20% dot damage taken one) and get something better on it then a T1 and T2 affix.

Same with your right ring which not only has low tiers but also lacks a full scaled 4th tier completely. Same for the boots, the experimental mod is nice but a lower tier is better if you can just fill up the missing affixes with needed ones, especially movement speed.

I’ve had a few crashes this cycle as well, I have to agree that the stability and optimization of the game definitely is not ‘up to par’ yet. Same with the sheer amount of bug variety.

Some specific mentions though… what do you mean with the item filter not working? It’s fairly good, I’ve actually never heard of that, neither seen it myself nor heard it from someone else, so I’m curious if I’m simply just missing something or there’s a overall problem there.
As for mobs not showing on screen and attacking you… yes, some have off-screen attacks, even intentional ones. Albeit those generally showcase it via a attack circle of some sort before it hits, similar to spires.

If you can’t avoid DoTs in a monolith without dieing then your defenses aren’t up to par, or your skill level to tackle said content, either/or. There currently don’t exist any enemies which produce extremely deadly DoTs in the game which aren’t able to be avoided fairly easily.

The favor issue is because you run low content, the higher you go the quicker the favor gain, it’s directly tied to experience gain. At your level characters run around 150-200 corruption in empowered monoliths usually.

Well, in that case I guess it’s a good example for everyone else reading it as to which position you’re speaking from.

Here comes the build:

Mana scaling build which doesn’t go into ‘Mana Well’ to gain ward should explain it already well enough as to why issues might arise and looking at the equipment explains everything else, especially the idols.

I love this…
A bunch of blatant stuff that Devs are all well aware of. And he knows the only attention he’s getting is from other players that don’t agree with him, otherwise that second PS wouldn’t even exist.

Yet another one who thinks they need to advertise in the forums if they intend on quitting. As always, a first timer.

@Kulze Didn’t even mention his other char (the one he got to level 100 with)… Has 2500 max HP and only 2600 EHP…
You’re such a nice person (or just really love to talk in forums?), but man, you should learn to identify these people before trying to actually help them… He doesn’t want any help, so you’re a nuisance to him. At least you did very good warning any other readers.

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Ah, generally helping, albeit with my former plunders definitely not the best at it :stuck_out_tongue:

But even when identifying them? What else can be done besides making a point clear before afterwards stopping when everything is said?

It’s better for someone in my eyes to read through the stuff written and make their own picture rather then taking things at face value.
So… soooo many people complaining about stuff in general before even doing the baseline that should be expected. Like… unlocking all their idol slots.
Actually never before seen that, that’s a first, so quite the novel experience! :stuck_out_tongue: