Why I will quit last Epoch until it gets changed

It isn’t. In PoE retention rate kept rising as they added more content. Excepting bad leagues that had a much lower retention rate.
You can clearly see when looking at seasonal games that the retention rate varies, even if it does follow a general overall trend. However, there’s a big difference between between having big dips close to the start or further into the league.

Those aren’t the only ones. As I said, many players will wake up early or stay up late to join the launch. And those are players that aren’t counted for peaks in the next days because on day 2 they’re back to playing in their timezone. You can’t just ignore those and say they are people that quit.
And you have no way to distinguish between either.

And yet PoE released on a friday, like they always do, and have a similar loss of peak on day 2 on every single league. Even though day 2 is a weekend.
You’re trying to extrapolate facts to fit your argument.

The immediate strong drop happened at the same time as the exploit, so you can’t extrapolate anything from it. Without the exploit they might have maintained the numbers from the previous week (50k-ish) rather than the 30k-ish it dropped to.

It wouldn’t. That never happens. The day 1 peak is never ever surpassed in any game, because of the different timezone players, like I explained and you keep ignoring.
If you want to consider real numbers, you have to start with the 50k-ish baseline and not the day 1 peak.

This is objectively false. All that was disabled was direct trade. AH continued functioning as normal. Which means that the vast majority of people continued trading as normal.

I’m not sure who is blind:
Day 1 (fri) - 228k
Day 2 (sat) - 193k
Day 3 (sun) - 203k
Day 4 (mon) - 178k
Day 5 (tue) - 169k
Day 6 (wed) - 159k
Day 7 (thu) - 153k
Day 8 (fri) - 152k
Day 9 (sat) - 157k
Day 10 (sun) - 163k
Day 11 (mon) - 144k

So baring weekends, there wasn’t a single day where PoE numbers didn’t drop. In comparison, LE numbers were stable since day 2 to the weekend. Maybe they would have stayed stable without the exploit? Maybe not? Who knows?
But we do know that after the gold exploit LE started losing 4k players each day, regularly. Which is a similar curve to PoE.

Yeah, you really don’t know how to read charts:

June 25th was the lowest point of 1.0. 2.4k players.

I’ve spent 27 years waiting for a dev to go (almost) all in on random the way that Diablo 1 did. All but your starting skills were acquired randomly. And then add in roque-lite elements and an afterworld experience so that you could build characters in the afterworld based upon skills you’ve gathered via playing (after they have died).

And then add in elements of Magic Carpet/Diablo 4 where as you level up a skill you can add qualifiers that make it behave differently. And that is random also. So basically every play through is different, but your account gets more powerful with every play through (because you have, in the afterworld, access to more skills).

Oh. I’ve derailed again. sorry


So… Vampire Survivors and its clones? Except for the afterworld thing (which maybe some have, I don’t really follow those games).

But what you’re describing is pretty much that.

Soulstone Survivors.

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I don’t think most people understand this. It’s why I bitch about the number of affixes currently in game. It’s why I was advocating for an RNG which makes it more likely for items to drop with affixes that match the implicits. And why I’d like to see prophecies that let you target farm item types. It’s the hopelessness of the exalted grind that wears me down.

Instead we focus on LP and slamming, which I think is inherently a ‘feel bad’ game mechanic. Gating every attempt behind a dungeon only makes it more ‘feel bad’.


It sunk for a while when the choice paralysis got too big before they combined it into the now existing scarab system instead of prophecies/sextants and the overall market situation wit acquisition as well as storage and usage of those got out of hand.
Which is why now the scarab system exists. It was an issue for a good 3 years where that ramped up though.

The flatness of the curve depicts how well received your product overall is long-term which is extremely important for live-service games. The specific spikes and dips are after all solely representations of special events happening outside. Like releases, bugs, exploits, real live events with large scale situations.

All that curve tells if for LE in the simplest terms is: It has issues, and big ones too.
What are the exact issues? We don’t know, it’s the core aspects though since the curve got worse with a new version rather then better.

That would cause the minimum amplitude to rise as well though So Day 0 to Day 1 we would see a significantly highest ‘low point’ of the amplitude then compared to Day 1 to Day 2. But that’s missing there, so it evened out somehow.

Yes, the common people coming in, deciding ‘it’s not there yet’ and leaving. The % being high is always bad, it showcases either issues with early game experience from newcomers (PoE) or overall content issues which haven’t been handled since the last major version (LE).
In other games that Day 1 dip seems to be as low as 10%, which says something, there’s a difference.

It was related to Week 2, which had nothing.

Not what I talked about.
Staggered retention is what happens when your influx of players is not all concentrated in a single timeframe for whatever reason. Be it games pre-releasing for backers… or in this case LE releasing their cycle during the week rather then the weekend.

People can’t access it yet and move in later in a large quantity, splitting the usually combined peak number into 2 separate spikes.

Oh? I thought the MG itself was shut off that time, my mistake then.
Yeah, then it’s likely the info simply that it happened.

Like at the amplitude, not the existence of drops itself. Which curve reaches swifter towards the bottom?

‘Floor peak’, hence the medium amount of playing people at peak time each day when it close to the end of the cycle.

Also I can’t change the timeframe as that function broke for me and I need my cookies for the moment… and was too lazy to find the right ones related to the issue keeping the charts to break :stuck_out_tongue: I have only the zoom available to discern exact numbers, which should suffice as it’s the medium amount for a timeframe.

And that is the exact point I wanna make clear that is a problem.

The biggest issue is the distance from one upgrade to the next which happens very early.
The second is that there is no hope for reaching the end of the line with it ever. Either because no prospective upgrade is reliable… or people need to turn their goals back after finding out how it works (feels bad) and so on.
The third is variety of affixes.
The fourth is amount of affix slot.
The fifth is more fail-states then miniscule progression steps.

Wth are you talking about? Day 0?
You don’t have a low amplitude before launch because launch is when it starts. And you have no way of knowing the low amplitude with or without those players that skip timezones to play on launch.

It’s clearly not just that, but you’re hellbent on justifying that day 1 peak to day 2 peak drops are 100% because of people that quit, so I won’t argue about that anymore.

You keep missing the point. PoE has the exact same thing happen to them and they release content on a friday at peak hour (which is always around early night in Europe for most games). It has nothing to do with releasing on a weekday.
It’s part composed of people that try and quit and part composed of people that play outside their timezone to be there since the first minute.
But as I said, I won’t bother discussing that anymore, since to you they’re all quitters instead.

No, it’s not. It’s simply the fact that in a couple days prices skyrocketed and MG people gave up. It’s solely because of the exploit and its consequences.

Considering that LE actually managed what PoE didn’t, which is a stable number without drops for several days until the weekend, clearly PoE’s.
Post-exploit LE’s is clearly superior, even if it’s because of external factors.

In the last month of the cycle you had lots and lots of days with less than 3k peak. So yeah, floor peak was 3k even if you want to average it, at best.

To be clear, I’m not saying LE retention rate is similar to PoE’s. It clearly isn’t. But it clearly is similar to PoE’s early days, until they started adding more content. You’re just trying to extrapolate something that isn’t there to justify your arguments.

Right now the only thing missing for LE to increase retention is more content, nothing else.
Gear progression works fine up to Aberoth, which is when it needs to. In fact, you might even complain that it’s too fast and should be slower, not the reverse.
And post Aberoth it doesn’t matter yet. When we get more content then it will become relevant and will have to be balanced, but not before.

You have to add crafting in here. I get a really good exalted that has 2 of the affixes that I need to replace my existing gear and then crafting breaks my heart again and again.

So yeah, 3rd, 4th… oh, your 5th includes crafting. Dammit!

The day the patch drops, depends how you declare it, I’m from Europe so we go with ‘0’ for base and not with ‘1’ many times.

So what I meant was between ‘Day 1 - Launch Day’ and ‘Day 2 - Post launch day’ not being specifically different there.

So me having to work the next day has no impact on if I’m testing out a product?

There’s a reason why Sundays are the highest numbers commonly, because several people work on Saturday still, but not even remotely as many as on Friday.

As for the quitters: obviously not all, but a large number are those ‘testing’ the game simply.


And 0,9 it was what? 1,5k? Well, then I think we can expect 2k - 2,5k in that case. i think 1.1 will not fare as well as 1.0.

I don’t even want to start with crafting itself, that would make it only worse :stuck_out_tongue: The base system is interesting… but the execution of how it all works together is… such a mess.

I quite disagree with this statement.
First, the truth of this statement is quite heavily dependant on:

  1. Your skill as a gamer
  2. How strong of a build you are using

Not everyone is going to be able to get to the end of the content with the “easy” part of the gearing, and not every build archetype is (note how I am not saying every build, because, well not all builds are good)
The nice thing about a high-power ceiling in gearing is that it allows lower skilled players, and non-meta builds to bridge the gap towards the end of the game.

The second reason for which I disagree is that you seem to be implying that everything past beating Aberroth is just bonus content not to be held to the same regard as beating the big bad.
But honestly, why? Different players engage with games in different ways. Some players find joy in min-maxing their characters, more than just beating all the content.

The reason I play ARPGs is the act of tinkering around with the game systems and gradually growing your character. LE does a good job at some its core systems, but does a rather poor job at character progression.

But just going to say to me, well, progressing your character past beating aberroth is just a bonus is meaningless. Everything in LE is just a bonus, nobody is forcing me to play.


I honestly have no idea what you are talking about nor how it relates to what I said.
First peak (whatever you want to call it) is always higher than the second one, and it’s not just because of people quitting but also because of players outside their timezones.

Since it happens to PoE as well and they release on a friday, clearly not.

You have no way of knowing how many are people that quit and how many are people that go back to their timezone the rest of the time.

Your guess is as good as mine or anyone else’s and has the exact same value, which is basically none other than reflecting our own personal biases.

It should also be noted that PoE has been having leagues with 200k starting peaks (ignoring day 1 peak) and finishing them with around 12k, which means that if LE starts with 55k and finishes with 3k then it’s pretty similar in terms of percentage.

Lastly, you attribute the current trends to people not having anything to aim for, which I feel that this is simply a symptom of lack of diverse content.
This is actually reflected in the fact that Delve league actually had a lower peak and lower retention than the previous leagues (even though PoE was already growing at the time), despite the fact that delve actually gave players something to chase and it always had, according to you, a perfect itemization system.

So clearly having something to do post-endgame isn’t actually related to player retention. Which makes sense, because only a very small percentage of the population cares about that.

That is the case in every game. If you are more skilled, you play better, thus you reach more content. How is that relevant? If you’re a very bad player, even with godly gear you’re going to fail to kill Aberoth. Should the game balance around that?

No. We’ve seen many players killing Aberoth with many different builds and build archetypes, including build archetypes that should be extremely hard like pet builds. And most did them in 100h or less.
So if the game gives you tools to finish all the current content in 100h, I’d say that’s a pretty good spot at the moment.

That doesn’t make it any less bonus content. Min-maxxers are a minority of players. Players that do arena are a minority and players that push 1k waves a smaller one. Likewise for corruption pushing.
And you can still min-max all you want. It just gets exponentially harder to improve stuff. And the key word here is exponentially.

That is your opinion. I actually like character progression. Except that I think it should be slower, since it’s way too fast (for me) at early game.
All the way to the end of content, progression is actually pretty good.
And past that content I’d say that it’s also still good considering the vast amount of builds doing 1k+, which is something that isn’t supposed to be happening.

So if EHG already said that 1k+ corruption is something that shouldn’t happen and it’s due to mistakes they made, why should they give you progression past it? When you’re not supposed to at all?

But everything in the game gives you something, whereas high corruption doesn’t. Especially with the cap in 1.1. So you can push corruption all you want, but that’s just so you can see “Number Go Up”, not because the game is giving you any incentive to do so.

Of course that’s my opinion. Subjectivity is Implied.
There is no objective truth in the matter that we may be discussing, different people enjoy the game differently, and different opinions on how the game should be are conditional on the target player that that game aims to be for.
It just happens that the version of the game you would prefer would be awful for me.

You’d be surprised how many people talk about subjective things (pretty much everything being discussed here) in completely objective terms.

You just have to look at almost everything ABombDaChamp says.


I was talking about the argument that if the people spread out accordingly to different timezones during release day then the lowermost amount of players in-between the peeks from Day 1 to Day and Day 2 to Day 3 would show a significant difference there. Which it doesn’t.

Yes, because world-wide the majority of people work on Saturday, right? A fraction does for your information.
And very few work on Sundays.

That would make a difference between the bottom line between days though, and a very visible one.

Definitely to a degree.
A second is the heavy basis of RNG without implementation of any ‘safety nets’ to gradually progress your gear in any way.
A third is that gear progression is very very steep, low steps, hence quick ending and big ‘droughts’ in-between.
A fourth is that the classes are utterly unbalanced to each other still and need some serious work.
A fifth is that MG is in a state I call ‘borderline functional’ at best.
A sixith is… nothing major coming to mind in this second, but those 5 above I got off the top of my head without even thinking.

That’s because during Delve the game was a broken pile of non-functional mess which took ages to fix.
Delve itself was nice as a mechnic, the outcome though was utter shit since you crashed regularly. It was a disaster, nearly as bad as Blight was which had a guaranteed instance-crash state.

Oh, it absolutely is! Because it reflects back through the whole game.

There’s a multi-step change needed to get this single aspect in line fully, which is massive.

Step 1: re-create the full itemization again, more tier levels then 7, the baseline should be 8-12 for absolute core affixes. Also likely increasing the affix list in total, variance overall. This means likely also changing the 2/2 affix split into a 3/3 affix split at least.

Step 2: re-work the whole drop-table from scratch with the core element that progression is handled so a 100k starting community drops a total of let’s say… 5 ‘perfected’ items per cycle.

Step 3: the whole balance is obviously non-functional at that stage, every enemy, every area, every level needs to be revamped from scratch. Meaning when you’re 60% through the whole range of itemization THEN Aberroth becomes a realistic goal.

As you can see… it’s not a ‘let’s change this 1 value’ situation I’m talking about, it’s a deep-rooted problem in the whole area on how this whole system has been set up from the absolute basis. ‘The core is rotten’ one could say.

Usually only by adjusting content related to skill level and progression. Which is a bit wonky but at least functional currently.

Sure, and the same player using 5 different builds needs 30 hours with the first archetype, 250 with the second, 110 with the third…

You get the gist of what has been tried to be said there?

It’s the thriving force of the core of the core design of diablo-clones.
The one actually getting deep into it might be… but the majority are min-maxers in their area of how long they can put up with it and stay personally engaged. Any moment this becomes a ‘bother’ to even do it ends. And the higher the time between every step is the more likely this feeling is reached prematurely.

What sort of progression?
Game pace for progressing through acts?
Leveling speed?
Skill points?

It’s a multi-pronged thing there.

Never was said.

Why are they offering ridiculous drops which can push someone only meant to reach 1k into 2k then? :slight_smile:

Don’t have the potential existence of these things if you want it to never happen.

I played legacy for 1 week on my 100 marksman. In this week I got exactly ‘0’ upgrades for my character.

So the game gave me, as my player perception… jack-shit.

Obviously I got more gold, obviously I got items for my other potential builds, obviously I even got maybe (I did) items for a pre-existing build.

But for the direct reward? Nothing. No number up at all. 30 hours of play-time being ‘empty’.

Why would it? If I woke up earlier to start playing at launch, I’ll keep playing during my timezone peak. And I’ll keep doing the same in the following days.
And if I stayed late, likewise I’ll still play in my timezone peak.

All that changes is that in every other day those players play 10h, for example, and on launch day they play 15h. It has no impact on the lower peaks at all.

I think we’re talking about different things at this moment. We were talking about the 75k to 55k drop and the 228k to 193k drop. This happens in every seasonal game, no matter which day of the week it starts on.

It wouldn’t, as explained above.

No game is perfect and has several things to fix.
You said that the main reason why LE is losing players is because of poor itemization, I say it’s lack of endgame content.
What you said is just deflecting.

Man, you’re always adjusting goalposts. It’s exhausting.
EDIT: sorry for this. It’s been a really long and crappy day and I’m on a short fuse. We disagree on some things, sometimes vehemently, but we do so in a moderate manner and I shouldn’t have snapped. /EDIT

The league after that had the same retention rate, even though it had a higher peak and now had something players could push for a longer time and, once again, perfect itemization. And so was the league after that. And the one after that.
Where they all a non-funcional mess even though they managed to increase player count?

Clearly having something like delve, arena or endless corruption is something that only appeals to a very small percentage of people and has no relevant impact in retention.

In fact, the leagues that actually had a bigger retention rate overall were Scourge, Forbidden Sanctum and Ancestor. Those were the ones that maintained a regular retention rate for the first month or so and then had a way better retention rate at the bottom.

It really isn’t. Much like Delve didn’t improve retention rates at all for several leagues.
People that push delve are a vast minority.
People that push arena past 500 are a vast minority.
People that push corruption past 500 are a vast minority.
Vast minorities have minimal to no impact on retention.

I can pull numbers out of my a** as well. The same player needs 50-100h for the first archetype, 50-80h for the second (because he already found a bunch of stuff for that archetype with the first character), 50-70h for the 3rd (same reason), etc.

What you said doesn’t comply to reality. By day 10 (which is assuming 10h per day, which isn’t always the case) of the league there were dozens of different builds that had killed Aberoth.

So no, I don’t get the gist, because you’re using made up numbers that don’t comform to the reality.

This sentence is actually meaningless. Min-maxers are people that try to optimize everything to achieve the best result. Most people don’t do that. “Town is lava” is a phrase used by a very small minority.

Playing until I feel I’m not having fun anymore isn’t min-maxing. Otherwise every single person in the world is a min-maxer and it loses any actual meaning.

All of it. If I can complete all content in under 100h with increasing time required for each step, that means progression is good until then.

This is demonstrably false. Mike has said that several times in his stream. “If a build can do one thousand corruption, we’ve clearly made a mistake”.

Because they suck at balancing so far. Much like GGG did at first. Hopefully they’ll eventually learn.

Yes, that was exactly my point. Your 100 marksman wasn’t doing content. It was doing post-endgame. Doing content (campaign, monos, empowered monos, dungeons, Aberoth) gives you things at each step. Doing 1k+ doesn’t.

Yeah, it was in conjunction towards the lower rate of drop-off for PoE compared to LE for % player-rate where this all came up.

My argument was that since we had a ‘staggered’ peak situation would’ve been that the ‘initial’ peak should’ve been higher (on a Friday or Saturday for example) and hence being a bit ‘misleading’ in terms of what the actual curve represents over that timeframe.

That then lead to the saying it’s not happening because of a weekend.

And the drop-off rate of PoE is less (by 2%) then LE, and has been fairly high since ever, which is a different reason then LE has though, and that’s the ridiculous new player experience of PoE, while in LE the new player experience is… decent definitely, nothing majorly overwhelming. So it’s likely more that since the differences between 1.0 and 1.1 aren’t glaringly huge they didn’t stay and simply are waiting for 1.2 or 1.3 or later, until ‘enough’ is there.

End-game content issues shouldn’t arise until… around end of week 1 outside of the core playerbase, which is a fraction of the playerbase.

So since that happens already there in a more pronounced degree then PoE looses player during that time it’s more then likely that something else more fundamental is the issue. Be it slow-paced gameplay, be it the sudden spike at Lagon, be it the long stretched of no gear upgrades even happening early on… those are the week 1 ones.

Week 2 I would say we get into end-game. No content… yeah, we know that, also lackluster content like the dungeons, which are a bit of a joke. Another one is itemization, which includes exalted drops, crafting and LP slamming for friction areas which cause retention loss (Some secondary outcomes).


Here’s a proper rate comparison from a while ago actually, also the comment section there is gold.

We can see that at the half-month mark there’s some very very distinct differences in retention rates. From 38% up to 70% (which is massive). So also PoEs different leagues are extremely differently taken up. While they all seem rather close-by as it tapers off the starting area is the most insightful area, especially since GGG usually provides a so called ‘week 2 patch’ that generally fixes the last major issues.

I can’t sadly put ‘Delve’ in there but some newer ones and give you some reasonings as to why some were so bad. For example… Scourge. It was a bad mechanic and there was a whole lot of mess going on with balance reworks that went in every direction but not into one being functional. Then came Archnemesis which was just outright a bad decision, and ‘Sentinel’ was loved but still had the Archnemesis mechanic inside before finally after another one ‘Kalandra’ they fixed that stuff with ‘Sanctum’ and the second they did people came back.

Well received ones were Metamorph as a massive rework which went in the positive happened with the core gameplay, that caused people to flock towards the game and stay for long. And mechanics like ‘Ritual’, ‘Legion’, ‘Heist’ and the - original - ‘Ultimatum’ were quite beloved mechanics, Ritual was for example easy and the main reason why it stood that for up during that time was the core-gameplay rework like a similar one happened in Metamorph.

But for the method of ‘Arena’ ‘Delve’ or ‘Endless Corruption’ it definitely does only appeal to a small percentage, the concept of the design itself. Though the content inside the concept is another topic as well, some mechanics are done despite not having liking for it because the outcomes can be so rewarding, others… the other way around.

I’m trying to argue that it has nothing to do with the concept of the mechanic we run, or even the content inside that concept. I’m more focusing solely on the itemization aspects, how far apart steps are, how that affects people when they reach the ‘perceived’ end of the game… be that Monoliths, empowered monoliths or Abberoth, depending on how that player percepts the game and as having done the content provided.

I did pull them from thin air after all :stuck_out_tongue:
But it’s well known that specific archetypes are not balanced all too well to each other or have vastly superior or inferior core rates of buildings, the ‘don’t think’ builds which the game naturally shoves into your face, without becoming creative.
Some of them have still trouble reaching 300c without decent upgrades and others brush at the same stage around in 1k+
We had the same in 1.0… and before. It’s nothing new, classes are simply due a balance pass to handle that once and that’s it.

That’s all what I jokingly wanted to say with that.

Lemme fix: I never said that. :stuck_out_tongue:

And well, yes, I remember, and we have people rushing through 2k+

They made looooooads of mistakes there.

We can hope, because unlike GGG… nowadays there’s competition there, hence you better bring more to the table then others did a decade ago because you’re in a far more cut-throat environment to survive long-term.

I understand your point. But the game has a myriad of possible upgrades available.
Instead if ‘barring’ them… offer the dedicated people a way to push a little bit. It doesn’t have to be much, it just needs ‘some’ way to feel progress even after the content is gone.

Because if I play solely for the content as a more invested player I’ll bring what… 4 classes to 100 before the famed 2 month mark is over? 2 in a month if I actually play decent amounts?
We have 15 classes, that means my game will last me as a multi-character player… for not even a year.
Why not allow that a single-character player can use those 2 months fully and never completely stop progressing? Sure, things take long, but they’re visible for that person, hence not a sole lucky drop. That can happen, sure, nice! But something more is needed simply.

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You really are hitting the nail here on this. In Poe i sometimes spend over 300 hours in 1 leaguie trying to get as close to perfect. During the whole ordeal i only play 1 Character (which i prefer). It is exactly as you state for me (also in your earlier replies).

I always along the way slowly progress. And yes there are leagues where there are better farm mechanics and also leagues where you by luck find a mirror or something which speeds up the process, but with or without big drops, i always get there in POE.

I also do not care aboput content. I am fine running the same damn map/echo/boss 1000 times, as long as i slowly see progress. It does not even have to be fast. I have over 5k hours in POE (that is more than 6 months of play without sleep 24/7.

If more ways to slowly improve other than gambling would get added and also maybe a bit more certainty of when and how much tries you can expect out of Abbaroth in x amount of time, that would help so much. Or as stated maybe like a way to buy the eyes from marketplace (in case of COF maybe eye drops could be more regular to compensate).

I could not let this game go, so i logged in again yesterday and killed Harbingers 12x at 800c (including the farming of monoliths). I got 7 eyes out of this. I found out as well that if you farm reign of Dragons it will always drop 1 or 2 glyphs of Envy, so that speeds up the timeline a bit.

I will try Abbaroth again once i have like another 15 tries in total.

That all being said is more a case of me refusing to give up. My argument still stands that i wil for sure not come back another cycle to do it all again if the ways to improve or certain fixed systems are not added.

I am even willing to deal longer with the horrible ui of the marketplace if these other issues on prgression get tackled first.


I approach the game in much the same way.

I think you pointed out something important here. One of the issues is also that the item roulette is basically the only way of getting upgrades.
Crafting is not very deep at the moment, the system is not complex enough to allow you to find “better” ways of getting the same or similar result. So the only thing you can do is pull the lever more times, farm more bases, and roll the dice. But the tools given for target farming are incredibly poor. It is just frustrating all the way around.

I just came from a crafting session where I used up most of the exalted boots I had been accumulating since the start of the patch.
And let me tell you. Crafting boots sucks. For some reason, glyph of insight is based on the FP remaining on the item, so getting the desired effect is SUPER RNG. A lot of my attempts died because I could not get the FP to line-up with the value that I needed. I had a close call, where i was almost done, but adding the last affix high-rolled the FP, so it bricked just two tiers away from being an upgrade.

Now that I ran out of bases, all I can do is farm more of them, but that was hours and hours of farming for basically nothing. The problem is that for the most part, there was not a better way of attempting this.
What I will have to do is basically do the same thing again, and hope that RNG does not screw me over this time around.

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Yes exactly, and when you finally have your base and item correct, unless you where going to wear the ex item, you still have a chance to not hit movement speed combined with your t7 stat on the LP3 boots you slam your item on. And then it might not be an upgrade enough still. Oh and indeed targetfarming (also for MG) would be a way to really focus on whatever goal you have.

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I read most of your post and it’s funny how this game can be completely different playing with different builds.

If you need perfect 3LP items to kill Abberoth your build sucks. I downed him to 20% on second try with bleed hammerdin having 1LP max or some random items from nemesis and without idols to boost my damage because they cost hundreds of milions. Difference between good working build that can down him in 2-3 days compared to some other skills that needs month of grind to have comparable damage is laughable.

False build diversity is what is killing this game. For me 3-4LP items with perfect stats should be chase items you will probably never get or have 1 in a cycle. If game force you to drop and get items like this for some skills to work it’s not good design and no wonder it feels awful to play.

Dread did great video about power creep in epoch recently. Gav made something similar too.

Edit : Imagine needing items worth couple mirrors to kill boss in PoE. How would it feel to play?

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