Why I will quit last Epoch until it gets changed

I Have played Last Epoch now in this season for 170 hours. I have been farming up to 800 corruption so far with my Tank shield bash Paladin and have gotten to the last phase of Abbaroth (where I still need practice). I am in the Merchants Guild (MG) rank 12 and Level 100. I have started playing this game with 3 other friends. We are all POE players that have been playing POE with clearing all content and leagues with multiple pieces or mirrored gear and so on. We are well versed in Diablo 2 as well.

My Journey in this game…………
Easy and fun. Learning the game and crafting. Doing the bosses, all is within reason and a new and fun experience.

Choosing a faction by the end of the campaign: I am a POE player that loves trade, so MG (I get back to this subject in detail later)

First 10 monolith before harbingers:
Good to do, not to hard, a good way to level and grow into the monolith thing. Finding some idols to sell helped here to get some decent starting gear.

Empowered Monolith and all the first time quest kill Harbingers:
This is where the first issues are starting to show. I started before the catch up mechanic, so grinding the first 5 harbingers took longer than it would do now. My friend who started sooner had to do all 10 harbingers like that. He already quit before they changed that. So that catch up mechanic was a good change, it came for me during 6th harbinger.

At this point the fact became clear that I was always lower level in the MG than the items I needed to buy to get myself an upgrade. The grinding of endless favour and reputation. Just literally listing and delisting items just to spend the favour to rank up.

During the killing of the last Harbingers and start of farming corruption it becomes abundantly clear that all your progress from that point on out is capped by a couple of components. First you need to find items that are worth hundreds of millions (up to 1.5 billion) to be able to even afford a LP3 item and to buy/gamble/forge a decent exalted item. I found multiple big ticket items that were worth over a billion and multiple ones that where worth hundreds of millions, but I seemed to have gotten a bit lucky as well.

My 3 other friends did not have this luck. I basically failed a lot of temple crafts as well and wasted sometimes literally 1.5 billion in 1 try to get my T7 stat and at least 1 other stat I needed. The feeling you get when it fails is just that of utter disgust, disbelief and a sense of wasted time. For some miraculous reason I pulled it off with 3 stats on weapon, helmet, ring and boots in the end. This whole ordeal cost me billions of gold and failed attempts.

My 3 other friends, however were not that fortunate and failed almost all of their attempts or where not even able to attain anything better than LP2.

Even though it worked out for me in the end regarding my unique items, I still had multiple instances of wanting to quit because of the bad feeling of the forced and failed gamble.

Me and my friends came to the same conclusion that the gambling element in this game is too big. First you are super happy that something big drops. Then you are super happy to finally have sold the item. You buy the ingredients and spend all that gold at once. You already get a knot in your stomach knowing your work could be for nothing. You do the laggy temple and after all the disconnects and misery you kill the boss and you brick the item you have spent 10 hours farming on. If this mechanic does not change, I will NOT COME BACK to Last Epoch.

Then comes the Abberoth quest (the nail in the coffin):
Let me get 1 thing straight first. I really do not mind that the end boss is super hard. I understand that he should not be chain farmed by 1 shot builds and so that farming him has to somehow be limited. This should NOT count for the first time you kill him for the quest.

After 15 tries (with melee it is extra bad to deal with him) I finally reached the final phase. Try after try again I got further and I knew if I kept on, I would kill him eventually. Then I ran out of harbinger eyes…… I just could not bring myself to go and do endless of monoliths, bosses and harbingers in the hope that I could farm some more harbinger eyes.

The first time to try and kill Abberoth for the quest should be unlimited tries. After that, do the eye thing. This is another critical point for me and until they make the first kill free, I think I will not come back. It could also be a solution to be able to buy harbinger eyes or glyps of envy and such on the marketplace. The way it is designed right now is way to grindy and timeconsuming once you run out of the first 10 eyes.

Changes that really are needed for the bazaar and selling items in general:
I learned through my experience and my friends the game is designed to basically put you at rank 12 when you reach level 100 for MG and with COF this can be done a bit sooner. Having a melee char does not help with clearing speed and slows things down significantly I have noticed. Also the bazaar and the ui there is really bad designed. Here is what is wrong with it:

  1. Stall and auctionhouse should be 1 screen. Now you need to endlessly scout the whole bazaar going from char to char to find out if your items are any good.
  2. Stall and auctionhouse are not visible or reachable via the monolith. (you cannot even see which item you sold)
  3. Proper filtering on affixes based on tier and rolls should be applied. Right now for idols or for multiple stats on different tiers it cannot filter. This leaves you scrolling through sometimes 100 pages of items.
  4. A pricechecker or anything like a quick lookup for the item you want to check the value would be such an addition.
  5. The max price cap must be removed. This is the worst thing they MUST change. Because the LP3 items usually are already max price now, it does not make sense to sell anything better like lp4 or a good legendary item, since you might brick it when trying to make it better. So better just keep it yourself or do not sell. Not 1 decent end game legendary item was for sale for any build that was really crafted in the temple. There are none (I have not not come across any) LP4 items for sale and for some items even LP3 is sometimes just non existing for sale. I think a big part of this has to do with the max price cap. Why sell something for a max price if it is more valuable? If for example a LP 2 amulet of the bastion boss is worth 1.5 billion. Why sell a LP3 Amu for the same price? Same goes for legendary items with good stats. If just the crafting material LP2 is already worth max price, why would I go to the temple and risk bricking it if I can just sell it for max price already giving the buyer all the gambling risk. So the result of the price cap is that there are no high value items with high LP and no end game finished legendary products that have been crafted in the temple for sale at all. This leaves the buyer with only buying the crafting materials and gamble everything away.
  6. Not being able to resell items that you buy. I have bricked a lot of LP2 and 3 LP3 items in the temple, since the most important stat kept not coming on. I had to throw these still pretty decent items with 3 stats on the floor, since I cannot use them and not resell. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, so I would have loved to get some money back of my failed gamble, but that is not possible. The devs say this is against flipping items, but to my opinion, the favour system already covers this. High LP and legendary items cost a lot of favour, so you cannot be endlessly flipping, since you need to pay favour for listing and buying.

I found 2 other topics with similar opinions, feel free to check those out as well:

Just to clarify. I actually love the game and want it to be better. I would for sure return if changes on these things are made or new ways to improve would get added.



PS: I would love to respond to all your replies and inquiries, but as a new user on this forum i am only allowed 11 replies a day.


You mean like in PoE you get unlimited tries to kill Sirus or Maven for the first time?

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actually this boss is super melee friendly. hes so friendly that allmost all ranged builds are playing in melee on this encounter.

No, but you can buy a maven’s writ or the materials for sirus.

well if you are like a warlock you basically just place those fissures on the floor and focus on dodging. My Shield bash build was low damage (like 300k tooltip) and you need to stand still to really do the damage. I could facetank a lot, but still every phase takes very long with the damage to movement ratio

Yeah, it was a massive issue, agreed.

Made me quit this cycle as well, the grind was atrocious.

Which I’ve talked about in detail here:

Beware, it’s a massive post though.

TDLR: the rank system hindering access is a bad mechanic and shouldn’t even exist, other measures should be done for a healthy market environment.

Yes, which I’ve talked intensely about as well. The RNG of a drop and the RNG of crafting on top feels bad.
Absolutely agreed, also a main reason as to why people quit the game.

I recommend giving them until 1.3 to start tackling this issue, or rather mentioning it existing and agreeing to change it.

My turning point will be 1.3 for example since both the expanded Monolith system as well as the possible future changes which are written into the roadmap could handle those things.

If some of those main issues are not addressed until then we can deem it a failed product for long-term usage instead and not worth investing time into a live-service game of this magnitude.

1: Agreed, manadatory.

2: They try to enforce people going to the area. Why? I don’t understand, doing it from any town suffices, nobody cares about the assets used to create the nice environment, players want usability.

3: Mandatory.

4: Mandatory.

5: Hard cap for the overflow from gold. Which is why gold is a bad resource to use in the market.
A far more stringently given out resource solely for MG is a better solution, not only does it allow a higher cap for value-perception but also takes care of making Lightless Harbor useless for MG and hinders cross-faction double-dipping issues. Which then allows cross-faction usage of items which allows better group-gifting options which allows also to remove the arbitrary removal of prophecies or favor when switching factions.

6: This needs to stay, it’s a good cap to remove market abuse and bot usage. Also it’s a item sink in the economy as everything is only usable one. Good system actually.

He’s MG, comparison to PoE is the ability to buy access which is only limited by personally acquired resources. This is not possible in LE, hence a viable argument from his side.

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Still limited to acquired resources, so it’s not unlimited.
And what’s the difference between farming so you have currency to buy writs or farming so you get eyes? The principle is the same.
You might argue about the drop rate of eyes past the first 10, but not that it should be unlimited tries.

Having unlimited tries just means that everyone will kill Aberoth eventually just by throwing themselves randomly at him, since there’s no risk involved. You don’t even have to learn his mechanics and you just have to get lucky eventually.


One needs active direct action taken specifically to focus on said target.

The other happens on the side simply by playing while following a completely different target.

So let me get this straight.

You - a Path of Exile player - are quitting Last Epoch because RNG boned you a few times while you were trying to create the most powerful possible items in the game?

Approximately how many times have you quit Path of Exile because a double corrupt rolled badly and bricked your item? Just wondering.

NB: At least one person will try to be all, THAT’S NOT THE SAME. Yes it is.


I usually for that reason stay away from crafting in POE. I buy my upgrades by running good farm strats and using those rewrads to buy the completed result for like 100’s of divines. Point is i can get my upgrade by farming and setting a goal. Here it is just RNG,.

It’s such a shame they never added the ability to buy items from other players to Last Epoch through some kind of auction house like system. They really missed an opportunity there.

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You know you can also buy legendaries in LE as well? So how is that any different?

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Harbinger Eyes can be farmed in 10 different timelines. So while you there are some limitations on where you can get Harbingers Eyes in terms of content, they still are obtainable by a vast majority of the endgame content and you will unlock them on the side even while not farming specifically for them. (You will always fill up stability by completing echoes)

But you can buy (already crafted) Legendary items in LE as well, if you don’t want to engage with the crafting aspect of it.

Legendary crafting in LE is a lot less rng than many of the high endgame crafting things in PoE.

Did you read the post at all? There are no finished items for sale!!! Because there is a cap on max price. No one will try to brick an item since the LP item itself is already max price. So lp 3 item most are 1.5 billion. That is already the cap. You clearly have not played MG and looked for any item and its pricing and rules or you have never visited the temple with an exalted item if iread between the lines here.

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To get finished items, it’s MANDATORY to gamble in the pleasure that is temporal sanctum! You can’t buy them off of the auction house in LE. In other words, you can buy yourself a CHANCE to upgrade. You can’t buy yourself an actual upgrade at end game.

Sometimes you can’t even buy a CHANCE in LE, because LP3+ items rare drops are worth more than the cap of 1.5B. So no one in their right mind will undersell their items and also no one in their right mind will take the gamble risk up front to eventually sell those items on the AH in LE.

Are you starting to understand the problem that we are trying to explain here? PoE is a great example as it shows you how it’s a completely different system than LE. Therefore we don’t see the same complaints about PoE.

The cap on max price is there because of the cap on gold. PoE also has a cap on max price, it’s just so ridiculously high that it’s irrelevant.

The issues with MG in LE currently are mostly due to 2 points: 1- Not enough people playing in a regular base yet, but mostly 2- there was a gold exploit and prices skyrocketed.

So there are still some issues with MG which need addressing, but there is no effective difference in PoE where a very meta double corrupt can cost hundreds of divines and be snatched as soon as it’s sold.

Both in LE and in PoE you have the option to either buy the bases and work on stuff yourself, or buy the finished product. It’s just that right now LE’s economy is broken (like happened to PoE a few times as well a long time ago before they learned to control it better).


You think spending 100+hrs and slamming 25+ LP2 items with an end result of NO improvements is enough? That happened to me, your “everything is fine” comment makes no sense. It’s causing people to STOP playing.


Before Harbingers and Abberoth where introduced, i have understood that the LP gear was not really needed. Trust me when i tell you that for some character classes, you do kind of need some crafted LP gear now for doing higher corruption Harbingers and Abberoth. Since you never experienced these bosses, you cannot see how important these temple slams become for the end game now.

The issue is not that people who disagree with you don’t understand what you’re saying, it’s that you don’t understand that you aren’t actually describing a problem with the Legendary system. You’re describing a problem with the Bazaar.

:clap: Legendaries :clap: are :clap: the :clap: most :clap: powerful :clap: items :clap: in :clap: the :clap: game. :clap: They :clap: are :clap: not :clap: supposed :clap: to :clap: be :clap: easy :clap: to :clap: get.:clap:

It baffles me that this needs to be said.

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The cap on gold is also relevant in LE because of the gold duping & EHG refusing to remove all the gold that other (potentially/likely legitimate) players acquired through trade.

Yes. Last time I came to I was in a hospital with a broken collar bone. Check to make sure you have no unexplained scars, though you didn’t wake up in an ice bath at least. Well, TBF, the last time I came to, it was after the surgery to fix the broken collar bone…

Is Abberoth harder than 2k+ corruption mono bosses? I’d assume (given neither pinnacle bosses nor high corruption is really my cup of tea) that LP gear was probably needed for that kind of high corruption pushing.

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