Why doesn't Warpath activate Healing Hands

Pressing warpath every second so it works like every other non channeled attacked sounds like really fun gameplay.

It is very ambiguous as it says when you directly use a skill, and hit an enemy, it never once says it stops after every attack. I used a skill, i hit an enemy, full stop. It does nothing to mention i must keep clicking. As someone else said it works with other skills that continue to attack, if they removed either the skills ability to attack without another click or removed HH to continue to proc honestly i would be less annoyed by it. Either allow it to work with WP or stop allowing other skills to keep attacking with one click.


It doesn’t need to since that’s what “when you directly use” means in LE. If games had to detail every single nuance on every single node or passive then they would be unwieldy (& have scroll bars). I can accept the need for there being an entry for this in the in-game game guide, but I really don’t think that it needs to be on every single instance of “when you directly use”.

Yes, you used the skill once & you got one cast of Healing Hands.

None of which are channelled. Giving it a maximum proc rate for channelled skills probably wouldn’t be bad either.

Yes, because making every single other skill objectively worse is a good solution. Cutting your nose off to spite your face springs to mind.

it’s not just healing hands. it’s proccing cooldown on traversal skills, etc, etc

Palarus’ triggered Smites are limited to 3 casts per second.

No, the game never once tells you that it stops, it implies that when you keep hitting it would keep working.

I had specifically said that other skills should only attack one time per click, after all they are not channel so why should they keep going? It was an example of the ridiculousness of the argument. Why should skills enjoy acting like a channel skill and benefit from continuous attacks. Take that away, force you to click for every attack and I can concede that they can work differently.
Your wanting one to benefit from everything but the other one must suffer because its not your preferred skill. Either one click per use and then allow all procs for all skills, or remove the double standard limitation and allow it to work for all.


It’s not a “double standard limitation”. Channelling skills are functionally different. There are certain modifiers that are consumed by channelled skills that affect the entire duration of the channel rather than just 1 hit (the Mage’s Preparation passive & the Void Knight’s Patient Doom, for example & Eternal Eclipse may well as well). As I’ve mentioned before, channelled skills are coded to function as “used” once, when you start channelling. That’s when they snapshot their stats. It’s not done to piss you off or make your Warpath not work well with Healing Hands.

Get a macro maker, and set your warpath key to press rapidly while held down. Problem solved.

Edit: the way skills are coded is that pressing and holding the button will recast the same skill repeatedly as it comes off Cooldown, making each cast count as “directly used”. Channeled abilities, since they don’t end until you release the button, don’t recast themselves as you hold the button down, meaning they’ve only been used once.

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Doesn’t warpath has a .5 second cooldown or something like that? Smashing that button fast won’t be super effective, i think.

Probably not. But it’s the only option for him to feel like he’s using a non-channeled skill

No, but online there’s latency-based (ish, don’t try to use Shield Rush as a dps skill using the no-cooldown node, that was difficult enough to do offline) issues with rapidly spamming a button. Channelled skills in general don’t react well to releasing the button after too short a time, there were many bug reports/complaints about them not stopping channeling until you hit something or ran out of mana.

Idk, seems like you’re stretching the argument so much just to try and justify your initial claims.
Or you are actually completely unaware of how Warpath or any other channeled ability works, really.

A completely naked character can hit almost 3 times a second with an unspecialized Warpath. The skills does hit damage every 0.38 seconds, which gets reduced further if you get attack speed.

Do you know how much investment a normal melee attack demands in order to achieve the mark of 3 attacks per second? A lot, and I mean, a lot of attack speed sources.

So, that’s basically the reason why Healing Hands doesn’t work continuously with Warpath. Because it would be broken beyond anything else in this game if you were able to proc HH 3 times each second with a naked character.
They would need to either severely cap it somehow, or just nerf the hell outta HH. Either options wouldn’t be fun, nor functional.

No, that’s what YOU want…
You want a channeled ability you like to be able to proc Healing Hands 3 times each second without you needing to invest in a single attack speed source.
That’s what’s really happening.


no one cares about 3 spells per second. we just want the skill to refresh once every 3 seconds so you don’t have to take your finger off warpath, a channeled ability, manually, to cast it. Or to refresh cooldown nodes for traversal skills, or proc any number of other things non channeled button holding down works with

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Ummm, the channelled version casts HH 4 times a second & is not affected by cast/attack speed. On a naked character.

I’m not sure I’d belabour the “3casts per second is too much” point given the Unbroken Prayer node.

You say that now, but if it proc’d every 3s from Warpath I’d bet good maney that the next complaint is that it’s not proccing enough given how much non-channelled skills can proc it.

And why is this only an issue now when every other non-instant skill interrupts Warpath?


Well yeah, at the cost of standing still, not being able to increase the amount of casts per seconds because it ignores cast speed and also draining 10 mana each second.
Against potentially proccing HH 4 or more times a second, being able to move while spinning and channeling for 0 mana?

I would take the second option anytime XD

Yes, that’s a fair point, but it does cast HH more than 3 times a second…

Do the mana cost nodes in HH affect that or are they just for the upfront cost? I’ve never checked the nodes to see if they affect the channel cost (like Drain Life’s specify the mana nodes affect the life cost if converted).

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I also never tested it. But I assume the nodes that reduce mana cost would not affect the Unbroken Prayer, since it specifies “drain mana per second”, not that it increases mana cost.

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Why do people all of a sudden care? Because I’m playing warpath :slight_smile:

What’s the worst thing that could happen if Warpath got fixed/buffed? A million happy barbarians playing the game? That would be awful !

While creating broken builds can make a bunch of players happy (as can be seen by the 1.0 Falconer/Warlock/ward shenanigans), it’s not good for the overall health of the game (as can be seen by the Falconer/Warlock/ward shenanigans).
You can buff builds and make them fun without making them broken. So that’s not a really valid argument.

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True, but last I checked, -melee mana cost (eg, on the Sentinel relic base) also affects the channel cost so things can be a bit wonky sometimes.