Why can't the egg stash menu, which blocks the whole screen, pause the game

Title says it all. Clear the area, or at least think you do, go into the egg menu searching for the item you want to replace it with, then right before you get it out, you’re dead.

Because nothing pauses the game.

Only offline mode pauses the game. Online there’s no pause.

Given the setup of the mechanic… guess it’s time to implement something like that.
It has been/is frustrating during Betrayal in PoE and they implemented a pause feature in Ultimatum for that exact reason.

So I don’t see why that wouldn’t align with the same notion. Sure, definitely loads of work to get it done but I imagine it won’t be the last mechanic EHG implements which could’ve enemies slap you while you try to interact with it. Especially in any monolith with a spire that’s just a no-go to have currently.


They did not implement a pause. They have simply made it so that you don’t start the next wave until you activate it. And you only get that “pause” after you kill all the monsters.

The OP’s problem is that mobs are coming to attack him when he’s interacting with nemesis. So if they were to implement the “pause” that PoE did for ultimatum, you’d need to kill every monster around. And if they did kill every monster around, then there’s no problem again.
The only thing that needs to be fixed is spires, namely letting minion builds be able to have them stop shooting, and also the spires that spawn mobs.

As long as you can pause the spires in every build, just clear mobs around the nemesis. I’ve never had this issue.

Well it is a nuisance, not high prio but annoying. It’s easy to miss getting damaged for your health globe is covered by the UI. This is a similar issue to looting prophecy loot in peace. And that got way worse now with boss drop prophecies dropping between boss and harbinger kill cluttering half the area with loot text :wink:

Yeah, that I agree with. It’s annoying.
I agree that your UI should always show your health globe. And you should have some flashing warning when you’re taking damage while having some other screen open.

Factually wrong.

They’re using the same mechanic which happened when Maven was first introduced, the devs even said it’s a specific pause which stops everything happening.

During the first Maven encounter she stopped time around, the whole instance is frozen, you included and then it overlays her speaking to you before the fight resumes.

This was then added to Ultimatum since during the choices otherwise the downsides would’ve kept on and could’ve killed you, they aren’t reset in-between, AoE effects stay, also there’s a variety of timers, not only kill-count but also survival ones with endless spawns. The enemies don’t get offloaded in-between, getting into ‘stasis’ as well.

So nope.

Also factually wrong, the pause mechanic could be invoked anytime, that’s just a really… really dumb take from your side. Why would the trigger need to be tied to enemy count? It’s not tied to enemy count in PoE either but instead to kill-count. Also exists as a pure time trigger as well as a trigger from interacting the first time when a boss is turned ‘active’ via Maven.

So don’t even start with that, you pause the instance + player, keep solely inventory + stash active for the input and that’s it. Which is why I mentioned a good chunk of work but definitely not ‘impossible’. Even saying that it is is so far out there that it’s baffling to even hear.

Yes, agreed. Spires need to immediately stop working the second you interact with the mechanic, period.

I would say that leaves more options open for EHG to screw things up compared to a ‘stasis’ for the instance though.

What about a shot that has already started? Will it vanish?
You have to make 100% sure that it doesn’t trigger because of something anyways.

Also what about blooms? They have after all artillery style behavior, off-screening from far away. Should you clear out several screens wide without triggering more to be allowed to interact with the mechanic?

Also will in the future be enemies implemented which also do that?

Just take away the sheer chance for it to happen, do it right once and be done with it rather then this shitty band-aid behavior of ‘only adjust the small aspect’.
It would be a foundational mechanic which can be used in several ways to implement systems which couldn’t be formerly because of the limitations of the frustrating interaction, the exact same issue GGG had for ages before fixing it.
They did… copy the system, no need to reinvent the darn wheel every friggin time.

Tell that someone in corruption 600+. It automatically means that any nemesis found in a spire monolith can’t be interacted with outside of controller when not choosing the first time.

That + no chance to pick it up reliably. A simple check for the player to say ‘start the fight now’ to leave time to handle their stuff would be appreciated there as well. We got that for the Arena already as a mechanic between waves, so the foundation also is already implemented for it.

The situation shouldn’t even happen in the first place. It’s not a mechanic which allows to do that without deep changes to the whole framework it works on. It’s bad enough that the stash window nearly fully covers the nemesis window by itself.

It’s several issues on top of each other simply, UI-wise the implementation is fairly badly handled in several ways, especially since you can’t even ‘escape’ out of the window, you have to manually click to exit. As if EHG didn’t even think about the situation happening that you can get attacked.

And I can tell you… missing a single enemy which has killing potential walking up to you and then forcing you to scramble to press a small ‘x’ in the corner as you panic is not a fun experience in any way, the contrary.

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Why don’t we simply use that invulnerability buff from entering a new zone?

I used to kill spires before interacting with a nemesis early on.

It is low prio imo for you can work around it like this, which reduces it to a nuisance. The prophecy loot issue is worse, my personal stash tab issue is worse than that (to me) and I suppose they will have all hands on deck now for that dupe shit that just popped up and apparently evaporated MG (again).

edit: And btw, I would rather appreciate EHG for thinking of stash-accessability when encountering a nemesis than blame them for the suboptimal UI :wink:

Also definitely a viable option. The moment you click on the mechanic it starts and after a grace period when finishing it ends.

The grace period is mandatory though since enemies could crowd you and you can just stand there sweating, knowing exactly what will happen if you close the UI for it.

Yeah, viable option.

Requires backtracking though, and that’s a net negative and shouldn’t happen in general. It’s to be avoided since outside of games which hinge on it (like a Metroidvania where you need to think about possible routes) it has no direct upsides to make up for it.

There is a new one? Which one this time?

I’ll appreciate it when it’s implemented well.

A badly implemented mechanic is a reason to complain. I would rather have a fixed situation like ‘no access to stash’ compared to a broken ‘access to stash’ which provides major issues.
With one you know what you get into, the other gives you a wrong premise to work with and causes issues.

Hence leaving it out first, making sure it works well and then implementing it as a follow-up QoL is a better option for customer perception. It’ll be praised this way rather then complained about like I’m doing right this moment.

Fine, for argument’s sake let’s say you can pause the game in online. I’m playing with a friend and he interacts with nemesis. Do I get frozen?
There are no global modifiers affecting you specifically when you interact with Nemesis, you just forgot to clear up the area.

Honesly, this is one of those things where you’re going to use a lot of effort for a non-problem. Yes, it’s annoying if you don’t notice mobs around and are being attacked, but that can also happen when you level up and are putting points in passive tree or skill tree. Should you also pause the game then?

We just need a clear visual indication of damage happening when we’re in a UI screen like character/inventory, trees, forge, etc. Much like what happens in GD.
This way you can react fast if you’re being attacked when you thought you were ok with it.

You can just press Esc key and it will go away.

Because it will be abused. Kite monsters to nemesis, throw an attack, interact with Nemesis, get invulnerable. Repeat until dead.

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Don’t know first-hand, but see General forum

That’s psychological issue that politicians also suffer… worse options can be perceived as better.

I stand by my point that having stash-access with issues is better than not having it. I would forget to bring uniques all the time, also takes up inventory space.

Why? What happens if you’re in a party? Does your action mean that my character should stop responding? That feels somewhat wrong.

Yeah, pretty sure I remember mobs & stuff stopping while making the choice.

No, only the void spires that spawn mobs are the ones that would have that issue. Every other spire would be ok. But those particular ones would be an issue.

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Even those can also be stopped as long as you kill the mob immediately and don’t use skills.
The only real issue is if you have a minion because then they never stop shooting.


If I’m in a spire monolith then ‘clearing up the area’ means traversing the whole thing forward and back again worst-case.

That’s not a viable option hence.

This is a way to handle future content integration together with a existing issue that causes frustration and has proven by other games to be a source of frustration without upside, hence viable to be adjusted or at least considered.

And even more so when you can’t quickly close the menu because for whatever reason you can’t use the ‘escape’ button to escape out of it.
So that tells me that this direction of known problems from other games wasn’t put into the quality control checklist.

You can use that mechanic anywhere and don’t need to backtrack to the position of where you got your level up or passive point.
Would that be the case then the same complaint would be viable.
It isn’t hence it’s not comparable.

Yes, as a first step.

The second step is to provide us an option to lightning-quick close all UI elements to be back inside the core gameplay.

This is also lacking currently as mentioned.


This doesn’t uphold then. So both need to be handled.

Didn’t work. Bug? Might be. I can’t ‘escape’ out of the menu.
Could be because I’m using Controller though and hence something breaks.

Limit it to first interaction then. So a flag to check if that’s the case, if not ‘bye bye’ basically.

Yeah, I’m going the other route mentally there.

Since I don’t need to think about having it in my inventory I don’t care about it.
But since the game doesn’t want to enforce me to do it I’m then fairly unhappy if the option provided causes me a downside instead.

Others get also paused.
Same as Maven Encounter in PoE, it posed no issue, nobody complained. Feels odd at first but the moment you know what’s happening it’s a non-issue.

Yes, because if you get a spire-shot on your head then you’re a goner too for some of them. They’re high damage and to be avoided for a reason.

If I can play well enough to avoid all high damaging skills from enemies to get to a corruption level where I get one-shot for each mistake then that stops making the mechanic viable at this point.

And the mention of the void spires directly makes it even worse beyond the initial issue.

No, because if you’ve not used a skill in the last 4s the spires stop shooting, which is why the void/minion spires are more problematic.


Then minions can’t be allowed to count for that though, any minion build is immediately non-viable otherwise for that, a whole archetype.

Just follow my “best” practice: I have a tab named “Nemesis” set up for uniques without LP. I only pick up the very rare ones or those that I want a certain mod on. That way you don’t search for too long.

If there are mobs within their aggro range then yes, I agree. Otherwise no, it doesn’t matter since the minions aren’t going to be doing anything.

Idols or other effects that proc skills for you every X seconds are also an issue (eg, the one that casts Maelstrom every 5(?) seconds).

It’s not about the searching. The moment I click on ‘open stash’ it immediately overlaps with the Nemesis UI in the first place. Also it overlaps with my health. Since it takes up so much space I can neither see enemies approaching me nor when they hit me.

So when I then die because of that I’m rightfully pissed as there’s no feedback and as mentioned… I can’t ‘escape’ out of the menu, controller reason or not, ‘escape’ doesn’t work to close anything more then the stash.

My wriathlord loooves to re-cast wraiths for example.

Yes, as a bonus on top.

So overall there’s several things which happen. Either those all need to be individually addressed and kept up to date (a hassle, and prone to oversight) or EHG needs to create a ‘handle it all’ system.

Like for example the grace period kicking in when interacting… once.
Or pausing the whole instance until done.

Something of those sorts is hence simply a more viable solution long-term.
Short-term just fix whatever is interacting with it… but that’s a band-aid that uses up vastly more resources in the long-term and is prone to fail with future implementations.