Why can we push around huge bosses?

I was doing the Emperor of Corpses, and noticed something that usually is not that obvious, but it was glaring since the fight was taking longer than usual (damned health regen mod)

Why is my Void Knight able to push around the Emperor of Corpses? Such a big dragon gets this kinda floaty push on some skills (Void Cleave or Lunge) feels very weird. Also since this guy doesnt need to move much to hit you, he was kinda happy staying in the blood pools around his arena and just Necro Cone me to death.

Am I the only one thinking he should be immovable? His fight mechanics are nice and all, but stop making sense once you push him to the top of the screen and he stays there.


Yes please please please. Nothing has tilted more more in this game then bosses getting pushed by my character.

Half of the emperor of corpses fight is just me trying to recenter the dragon so I don’t have to stand in a blood pool just to hit him.

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Totally agree. My Bone Golem Necro moves him around like mad which makes the fight much harder,. On top of that the fight has issues with his AoE as that seems to be based on him being in the center as I have died a few times despite being outside of the visual AoE. Lock him down and we would have a lot less issues.

I agree with the issue for that boss,
But making all bosses immovable would just make more problems. Julra is still happy to sit in her void beams and the only way to bring her out for melee chars is pull(Warcry/fury leap/rive).

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They just need to remove the middle beams imo. Or make them much slower but have the character move in and out while they rotate.

oh man this is weird no doubt. I didnt really notice it until I was on a minion build, its pretty annoying to have to constantly call minions to the middle to get the boss to move from against a wall. How about the tentacle crab claw boss when you have golems, it doesnt get pushed but its like completely turned round trivializing the entire phase.

The boss pushing is most likely unintended and started happening with 0.9. I haven’t looked for a bug report on the topic because I’m almost certain it was reported a while ago.

No, it’s always happened. You used to be able to move the Primeval Dragon with Warpath pre-0.9.


Yeah but right now you can push every boss starting from that fire golem thing in the armory.

Yeah, I thought you always could.

I’m 99% certain I wasn’t able to push enemys aroung prior to 0.9. then again I can’t tell you what I ate yestarday because brain is fried as usual ^^.

There are a number that I’ve pushed around pre 0.9, but I don’t recall the Armory boss being that way before.

Lol that Lagon, does that still happen? I reported it in 2021, good times.
If I remember a dev mentioned he wasn’t pushed but when a wraith or minion gets spawned in the water.

We could.

As of like 2 days ago golems turn him around into an elaborate target dummy.

Pushing around is definitely not intentional. We have a fix coming that will resolve this problem.


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