Who Wants To Help Me Fix My Warpath Smite Paladin?

I was cruising along, no problems, until I hit Empowered Monoliths and then it was like running into a brick wall.

Reign of Dragons blessing, try to change it to Crit Avoidance to get 100% avoidance, helps a lot to survive.
Increased Physical Damage, i see you’re wanting this because you want to throw those Axes but it doesn’t really give you any other boost. > Maybe 100% rolled from Item would be enough to proc those axes and otherwise you can try to get more Fire / Defensive stats from legendary slamming / Nemesis.

If you want to Nuke Bosses or tanky enemies/rares >
Volatile Reversal with Harbinger Dust + Time Rifts Nodes
Gives massive dmg boost
Also consider ‘Throne Of Ambition’ -Unique Idol from The Stolen Lance -Timeline Boss
Gives a lot Defenses + Dmg also

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try: use one scepter (main hand) and Palarus (off hand)
Warpath Skill tree:
2 point unchained
1 point reckless spin
2 point Quicksilver
1 point Gorebringer
1 point Earthscorcher
2 point Path of heavens
4 points Winds of justice
1 point Iron Reach
2 points Wmhirling steel
4 points Cyclone of war

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You have a bit of an identity crisis going on between Hits and Ignite. You have some (but not all) Ignite related nodes in Warpath, and you have both Ignite and Spreading Flames nodes in Smite. Combined with no crit chance to speak of and the Phoenix Strike in your passive tree, you’re clearly going for Ignite.
But on the other hand, you use Sigils of Hope and Warpath spelldmg passive which doesn’t help Ignite at all :slight_smile: It helps dealing Hit damage though.

You should choose one or the other and specialize into it.

Either way, you’re missing big damage nodes in both Warpath and Smite. Rathge already covered Whirlwind, so I’ll cover Smite:
3pt Holy Fire
5pt Conflagration
2pt Blinding Flash
5pt Sacrifice
5pt Atonement

The “% more damage” nodes in skills apply to both Hits and Ignites applied by your skills, that’s why they’re more important than chance to Ignite.

PS: Spreading Flames is a strong DoT though, so if you want it, change it from 5pt Conflagration into 3pt Conflagration and 2pt Immolate.

Build tips:

  • Put 5 pts in Weapon Master (Forge Guard) for STR and attack speed bonus.
  • Remove 5 pts in Overwhelm (Sentinel) and put them into Valiant Charge or Fearless (Sentinel).
  • You have Smite on your skillbar, but do you even cast it? Couldn’t you remove it and still get procs from Warpath? Try replacing it with Lunge for faster movement in Monos.
  • Your Ele resistances are over cap, you can free up points in your Holy Aura and grab Vital Boon for more HP regen and Purification for dispelling ailments on yourself, or Improved Flame Burst
  • Speaking of Flame Burst, that’s a Hit spell just like Smite, so if you focus on spells, you might wanna keep that spell damage node in Warpath maxed and perhaps replace passive points from Phoenix Strike (Paladin) with Defiance (Paladin).
  • You really need boots with Movement Speed affix. Quick fix - if you play Merchants Guild, go to Bazaar and buy the unique boots Fiery Dragon Shoes. That will double your Movespeed and cap your Crit Reduction at the same time.
  • That will allow you to remove points from Faith Armour (Paladin) and put them into Reverence of Duality (Paladin).

As you level up, max out Reverence of Duality (Paladin), then you could pick Valor (Paladin), or put some points into Forge Guard:

  • Battle Hardened has more Armor than Faith Armour and Physical Resistance
  • Guardian has good HP boost, HP Regen boost and increased stun chance all in one.
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I thought that since I was proccing like 6 Smites a second, I wanted to maximize Smite damage. Is that not right?

Having tried playing this build myself you fell a bit into the same traps.

I wont comment on exact fixes but on broad choices.

The relic is a meme, drop it. Assuming you have just a well rolled relic, you get 1.2 axes a second, with 100% smite chances this translates to 1.2 smites per second. with your 3 smites per second already, this is 40% more smites per second, but it costs you relics and idols. Its not worth it, in your set up, perfect idols is 50% chance to smite, which is a mere 0.6 smites per second average from this 2 idol relic combo, which is only 20% more smites.

Double swords feels like overkill, its a shame cause its kinda hard to cap the smites per second reliably with one sword, but the second sword overkills the needs. with one sword and 45% chance to cast smite on attack, you need 6.7 attacks per second to hit cap on average. warpath hits 2.93 times per second with no investment, the sword base raises that to 3.39, which means you need about 97% attack speed to cap with a single well rolled sword but it feels so worth it.

Because the DW damage taken passive SUCKS on top of the second sword doing very little for you, and you lose access to a shield, and paladin has lots of good shield nodes.

I personally would say you need to go back to the drawing board, I unfortunately cant help, cause I didnt have too much success with my version of the build that fell into the same traps and dont have time to redo the build this season likely atleast for a few weeks anyways.

im not sure the sword is actually all that good for end game when it comes to efficiency. Smite on throw focused builds with 2 relics can easily hit 5 smites a second without any effort, these swords force you to DW them or get crazy amounts of speed for 3 a second.

Considering the passives you had taken in Smite and your lack of crit, no, that’s not quite right :slight_smile:

So I should just look at it as a way to apply ignite and not worry about its damage?

That’s up to you to decide. I said it before:
