Who uses Steelfire on Ice Barrage, I find this talent useless

hi everyone.

why the Sleetfire talent on an Ice Barrage spell, causes all spells to cost 50 more Mana.
with that I can’t use Mana Strike or Focus and not even Evade.
why you can’t just put a 200% increased mana cost (or more) ?
I understand the mechanics of making your character have negative mana and can no longer use many spells, but not all spells.
If anyone has an idea of ​​how one can play this talent I would be very happy to hear your answer.

So I just threw something together, ignore the passive tree as I just filled it to get access to skill specializations.

Idea would be that you’d only use Barrage on rare/boss enemies and then Glacier/Black Hole for everything else. Flame Ward for Safety and Arcane Ascendence for the burst rotation on bosses.

Combo, in theory, is Arcane > Glacier (for Rime buff) > Black Hole > Glacier (reapply Rime for Barrage) > Barrage. Then you’d let Barrage decimate anything inside of the Black Hole with frozen bursts and stacking damage/fire rate per hit.

Alternatively you could let Barrage pierce instead of burst, bring focus instead of Ascendence, or drop Glacier for Teleport. The main combo is Black Hole and Barrage after all.

This is just something thrown together and has not been tested at all.

the problem is that ice barrage sleetfire will put you in negative mana and you will use +50 mana per spell.

the thing is that you want to have access to the spell that you can use while being in negative mana such as Mana Strike, Focus … and of course Evade,
but you can’t because it’s spell now you cost 50 Mana.

in what you propose you can do all the combos, but from the moment you hit Ice Barrage you silence yourself for 6 seconds and you can’t do anything not even Evade

Right, but you get all that mana back when the Barrage ends. So you just kite on foot as the barrage pelts the enemies and then start over once it ends.

The node is effectively a silence. Its like you are “channeling” Ice Barrage so you get a big benefit for the skill but while it is active you can’t use anything else.

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