Here’s five of my favourite sets from other ARPGs;
- Diablo III's Seeker of the Light set has a grim, heavy aesthetic adorned with skulls and candles. I've always thought it looked awesome.
- Path of Exile's Polar Armour Pack has a wonderful contrast between the crisp, clean, artificial armour such as the helm and the natural polar bear pelt.
- Grim Dawn's Uroboruuk's Guise is a great example of Grim Dawn's approach to armour sets. Realises the Necromancer fantasy really well, and looks impressive without just being an ocean of flashy pixels.
- Path of Exile's Hydra armour set is a very strange and distinctive set that I use all the time. I particularly love the helm.
- Diablo III's Archon set is a heavy metallic set for Witch Doctors, which sounds like an oxymoron. But it manages to capture the essence of the class and I can't overstate how impressed I am by it.
What are your favourites?