When will we see the NERf the experimental mod on glove?

should one glove expertimental mod add 5000-20000 ward?

It’s not what makes Ward strong. There are several uniques that do this already, the gloves are just another way to get the mod. And not the strongest way to get the mod either. The Ward stuff is a few interactions that work better than they should with certain skills. If you have the gloves, Exsanguinous and Last Steps of the Living you hover around 2.5-3x your max HP in ward, which is fine. The bajillion ward stuff is an entirely different issue.

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Probably not, but it doesn’t, so I think it’s fine.

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Pretty sure the hammer nerf of HH wards generation will not come as some sort of change on the experimental affix as it doesn’t fix anything about it. It can only come from a change of the problematic HH skill node.

Imo they will disable the healing => ward conversion for the caster which is the only way to give some interest again to the other wards nodes in the HH skill tree. A massive conversion nerf will not be as clean imo as your team8s using 1 HP or low life style will still get massive heals from HH that they dont want / need at all.

Uhhh, was not aware it needed a nerf. I can’t get anywhere near that kind of ward with the glove affix since it means you need a high health pool, actually manage to get the affix at a very high tier, get this high tier on an exalted item… I keep trying but it’s a dream to me.

I did not realize there was an opinion that thought you just pick up the perfect mega-ward version at a corner store or some such. Is this because I am COF?

OP is yet another random Randy that doesn’t know how things work. It’s baffling how many people will see high Ward, then randomly pick one thing that’s connected to Ward, and go post public statements calling for a change of that randomly picked thing.

Here’s an educational video. 3000 HP + wearing 3 items with this experimental mod (gloves, boots, body armor) = 12k Ward.

That is 12k ward with 3 items. Now add the twisted heart necklace that gives up to 8% life as ward per cast. Now add ward gain via a skill. Now add some way to get ward retention to values above and beyond what should be possible. And you suddenly get the stupidly high ward values we all can see in YouTube videos. Now compare this to life.

People who think ward isn’t going to in some way (more than likely going to be the ward retention formula) get hit HARD in a future patch are fooling themselves.

Twisted Heart gives 8% of current HP. With three low-life items, your current HP is in the double digits. It’s very strong, but it goes in a completely different build that actually recovers HP and thus can’t be stacked with the low-life items except using the glove mod to turn on Healing Hands conversion. It’s also a relic.

Compare low life ward to life, which can get 60% DR through Endurance (2.5x EHP multiplier if you can get the threshold all the way up), use meaningful implicits on chest and boots (pretty high value slots last I checked) and doesn’t have to farm LP on a timeline boss drop - they can even use other uniques as a base if they fit the build!

And if they need to tinker with ward decay, I really hope it involves removing that 0.5 in the formula and balancing the retention sources as needed so 1% ward retention is actually “your ward takes 1% longer to decay to the same point”. It’s a hard enough thing to learn without lying to the player.

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That is 12k ward with 3 items.

Remember that part where I said “3000 HP”? Try having 3000 HP with only those three items :slight_smile:

Now add the twisted heart necklace that gives up to 8% life as ward per cast.

Twisted Heart is a relic, not a necklace, and it doesn’t work with LL (low life) caused by the 3 items in question.

Now add ward gain via a skill.

Ward gain via skill is class-specific and build-specific. Any nerf to Ward gain via skills should come in a form that affects the skills that are out of line, not in the form of nerfs to an item affix which is available to all classes and builds.

Now add some way to get ward retention to values above and beyond what should be possible.

Nobody said anything about Ward Retention being “beyond what should be possible”. It wasn’t even mentioned in this whole thread, so I’m not sure what are you trying to say here. You didn’t even say what % you consider as “stupidly high”.

600% is easily obtained just from using T7 Intelligence gear and Mage passives.

People who think ward isn’t going to in some way get hit HARD in a future patch are fooling themselves.

Nobody said “I think ward isn’t going to change in a future patch” either.