When do you want to use rune of creation?

I got 3 of them in my around 100 hours but i cant find the scenario where i would use them i cant find an item wich i would need 2 copies of it maybe if im dual wielder i guess? but other than that what other scenarios you people have used rune of creation?

I have used this once or twice for making Legendaries… i.e. a great/perfectly rolled exalted affix that I want to combine with a unique but I dont want to chance losing the exalted if the wrong affixes get transferred…

Otherwise I have only used this once to replicate a ring for a particular build where it maxed out multiple resistances and crit avoidance - in hindsight it was a waste because the build didnt work, but i still use the rings in different multiple builds.

For me it also gives a little more weight to the last few FP points on a forge… If I can roll a t20 with good stats that might be useful for multiple builds, and still have leftover fp, then I keep it as a candidate for replication if I need it… Before the runes existance, I would just blast the forge till it had no more FP…

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