When a volatile zombie explodes is it classed as an attack?

Just double-checking as I was wondering if dread shades lingering doom applies to volatile zombies


Volatiles Zombies are not using an ā€œattackā€ their self-explode is a Spell.

Nontheless this is affected by Dread Shadeā€™s Lingering Doom, because it affects attacks and spells.

You can check things like that using the Minion Tags on their tooltip.

Ah, I see it says spell AND attack thanks for clarifying

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As you can see, the default tags for Zombies donā€™t include ā€œattackā€. When the Zombie gets within range of a target, it casts the Suicide Explosion spell which reduces itā€™s hp to zero killing it. It then has an on death proc which is the actual explosion.

The vomit is also not an attack.

Leap isnā€™t an attack either.

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