What's your favorite thing about Last Epoch?

Hi everyone!
I just got the game 3 days ago, and I have been loving it (I am about to hit 30 hours since buying it 55 hours ago… don’t judge me lmao)
I was wondering, given how the game has been in Early Access for about 4-5 years at this point, and with release is less than a week away.

What is your favorite thing about the game?
It can be anything from the studio/development team and something they did in the past that you loved, to in-game systems you feel they just nail better than other games. I would love to learn more about the community.

I finally signed in, but have been browsing the forums and subreddit for the past two days, and the community honestly seems really nice! (as a former Diablo player not including D4, I am very happy to make the switch)
Looking forward to spending a lot of time with all of you!

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The QoL features that I don’t have in any Diablo game or PoE. The variety of character builds. I enjoy the campaign more than in PoE(dont recall if Diablo4 had a campaign :rofl: ) That said I’m currently playing PoE 1. Because 1.0 hasn’t launched yet. 2. D4 season 3 just didn’t click with me(but I will finish BP)

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I really enjoy the casualness of the game. it actually lends me to sink a lot of hours in.

I dont really play this genre for high stress nailbiting boss fights. I really enjoy that I can set my own pace and just walking forward killing monsters.

Like my main other game in the genre is PoE. So I like that I dont have to manage items, I dont need to store all my “crafting” mats like chaos, alterations etc. I just pick up the shards and them send to the crafting storage. I love that I dont have to roll maps or manage map resources, I just run echos, and if you run on low corruption you dont even really need to worry about the echo modifiers.

And there is almost no restriction of the items that can drop. just because im doing 200 corruption with my brain off does not mean I cant drop the rarest items in the game, I just have less likelyhood to do so. But thats fine with me.

This game is just the easiest to pick up and play in the genre, and that means I just play it more often and for longer.


Craft system and filters. I consider them to be better than other games of the same genre


The amount of classes & subclasses, the amount of skills and how customize-able every skill is … You really can play a million different ways


This is definitely one of my top ones as well. You aren’t locked inside a specific subclass but can build each class exactly like you want to across all the subclasses!

Lich :wink: D

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I really like their crafting system, I liked it more when you could brick items, I hope they won’t keep making it easier, as it is now is already very accessible and it is a really cool take on crafting imo.

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The impression that the game gave to me during its flow gameplay I realize how the people behind it, developers and production from the Last Epoque team really have put love in their game such as they are ARPG players like us, what they would like to have in an ARPG, they designed. I mean they figured out what an ARPG community deserves that would be to have fun, making several builds, the game has good interface, guide and other things. It is a well made game.

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The devs over at EHG did maybe the best job of all devs I ever encountered. The were open to their community and not always used some politcal announcment here and there you can’t find any valid argument in.
On the other hand I like LE because it’s so far well thought through and executed outside of the “It’s still a construction site.” vibes it has.
All in all I’m happy to play a ARPG that isn’t a complete trainwreck and therefor I like LE.

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This will be my second time actually playing an ARPG. I started with POE, gave up, then came back but had fun. My favorite thing so far is that it’ll be a bit easier to make builds and it is OK to make mistakes.

I’m actually looking forward to the story since time traveling is one of my favorite types of stories.

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Crafting, Loot Filters, and in game Guide.

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I like how familiar it feels. A lot of the classes are from Dark Age of Camelot. Crazy to see someone else do stuff with runemaster, etc, lol. I’m waiting for skald and Epoch vs Epoch combat and I’ll be golden. I really like the skill trees. So many usuable pets and transforms is a plus. Variety is great. You can tell this has been in the works for a great long time.

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Every skill has it’s own tree. I’ve wanted that since seeing D3’s boring rune system.


My favourite thing is just how far the game has come. I remember first hearing about it when one of the LE devs popped into the Grim Dawn ‘Other Games’ subforum to mention their new game ‘Last Epoch.’

I’ve played it a few times over the years and it was always just a bit too clunky, but lately it’s jumped significantly in visual quality, combat fluidity, content and variety and it’s great to see another ARPG to add to my GD addiction.

I only hope it keeps it’s identity as it is and doesn’t devolve into the trashy balance nightmare and bloated marketplace game that PoE is.

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In all honesty, for me it’s a bit hard to pin down, because there is quite some Stuff which i geniunly like.

As example one of the absolute major things for me is the skillsystem. Normally i’m more in the favor of traditional skilltrees where you acquire skills via the skilltree (one of many reason i never liked PoE really). Something which i heavily realized i missed with D3 and Wolcen, but also Sacred 1+2 whlie fun games (esp. the open world was nice in Sacred games) i just don’t like the way you acquire the skills in this games. (D3 via super linear progressing, Wolcen and Sacred via these items to unlock them). Doesn’t mean i didn’t still love D3 in a way, but it certainly lost alot of potential to me.
But back to Last Epoch, while it doesn’t really have that in tradtionally sense (sure you get some in the milestones sense), it have skilltrees for it’s skills, which is such an exciting system it really is finally a great alternative for me (not sure if i like it ‘per se’ better than traditional skilltrees, BUT atleast on the same level, which is imho a pretty huge achievment). On top of that also a nice Talent-three(and now i see people potentially coming with: "Yeah but PoE have this monster of an Talenttree, and Wolcen had one as wel… ← true but i only like them that way when they’re complementary, not replacing the actual skilltree. Same with GD - i love devotion but only because proper skilltrees exist. And the Logic is pretty comparable to this endless type of progress-features like Paragon. In Borderlands i liked the badass ranks because complementary to a normal skill/talenttree(i know more talenttree than skilltree esp. outside of BL3, BUT inb4 someone jumps to me, BL isn’t exactly a ARPG so i don’t have here the exact same standarts/itches, and the fact you only had one skill in the older games was one of the very few flaws which i had with the previous games).
Anyway TL;DR Skilltrees for Skills and nice Talenttree.

Idol-System: I always liked the Charms (were they called like that in english?) in Diablo 2 LoD. This neat little items you kept in the inventory, but give you boni, the only thing which i didn’t like in the long run were the limited inventory space. EHG fix that by giving us their own slots. Epic.

Factions-System for obvious reason. Kinda fix one of the issues the genre had in a while.

Neat QoL Features like the strong Lootfilter and the Stashes.

And i’d also add crafting and endgame features as well, esp. monolith, but i’ve to admit this is the stuff which i’ve touched in the Early Access barely because i wanted to wait mostly for 1.0 to fully embrace that. But from what i’ve seen/played so far it’s already great. Esp. Crafting was a surprise.

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Legendary Potential overall imo. Just opens up so much potential.

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