What percentage of players play CoF vs MG?

Have they released anything about the popularity of both?

I noticed the leaderboard has both CoF and MG players in the top 10, they seem te be reasonably balance in top end game(otherwise would 1 faction dominante)

I played CoF this season but will probably play MG in next season or even in later part of this one(if i keep enjoying game)

Merchant now. First i picked. I would like to try CoF, but no way im forfeiting so many items that i use atm with MG tag.

CoF here

CoF here.
And maybe, just maybe there are so many Merchant players in the Leaderboards because of RMT.

I read somewhere ppl recommend to join CoF first and switch later to Merchant. Idk what Im gonna do, for now ( lvl 85) Im having a blast being in CoF. :smiley: