What kind of minion damage is Zombie explosion?

Is the detonation of a zombie meele, bow or spell damage? Do the +damage modifiers on weapons for minions even apply to Zombie explosion?

The minion scaling tags say Phys, Fire, and Spell. Therefore minion spell dmg as well as minion fire and minion phys would affect them.

EDIT: I didnā€™t respond to the second question but if youā€™re asking for affixes that just same minion damage then yes, it should affect your zombie dmg.

The explosion is a spell.

Not on my PC rn, but that info should be avail be in the tooltip

Sorry just to make clear. I have a weapon with +flat damage to spell, bow and meele damage for minions. I just want to know which of those 3 apply to Zombie explosions.

+32 spell and meele
+16 spell and bow

minion spell damage is what you want

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On death they cast Explosion, which deals (base) 60 fire and 60 physical spell damage. If you have +32 spell and melee and +16 spell and bow, itā€™ll be +48 total spell damage applied to the spell they cast (explosion), split evenly since itā€™s a split damage spell, for 84 fire and 84 physical damage (168 total), modified as normal by increased minion damage effects and more damage.

So if you have a total of +500% increased minion damage and 48% more zombie damage from Fervor in the Zombie tree, thatā€™s 1491 explosion damage, before worrying about area level or resistances or anything. No matter what, that amount of added minion spell damage is always worth the equivalent of 40% ā€œmore damageā€.

Where it really stands out though is if you also have ā€œVomitā€, considering Vomit is also a spell, but deals just 40 base damage per second with 100% added damage effectiveness per second, so you go from 40 base to 88, more than doubling its damage before even considering ā€œmore damageā€ sources (which there are ones specifically for Vomit as well as the zombies in general, all of which apply), increased damage, or the rest of it. You can actually make it so that the Zombie deals more damage every second with Vomit (for 3 seconds) than it does when it explodes.

Good either way, but Iā€™m just saying, if youā€™re going to stack added spell damage that hard, also stack the spells your minions can cast.

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That is only if itā€™s the only source of flat spell damage, though. If he already had +50, for example (maybe from the passive tree or somewhere else), it would actually be much lower.


True and a fair point, though to my knowledge you can only get +20 from the passive tree, at which point itā€™s not that much less (34% instead of 40%). But yes, the more added damage you already have, the less valuable it is to keep adding it.

Edit: Also worth noting thanks to the 160% ā€œmore damageā€ for Vomit available, the more added damage you have, the more valuable vomit becomes; at +100 total added damage and with the +160% more vomit damage youā€™re dealing 165% of the explosion damage every second with vomit.


Added damage is affected by damage effectiveness, so the 48 added spell damage would be 240 added spell damage.
Meaning the endresult would be 180/180 necro/fire damage

With your example numbers (500% inc + 48%more) this would be 3196,8 total damage

Without any added damage the explosion with the same other numbers would be 1065,6 damage.
So with the added minion spell damage the explosion deals 200% more damage. if you donā€™t have any other sources of added minion spell damage.

No you canā€™t even with the 160% more damage for vomit. As soon as you add added damage the explosion will always deal more damage than vomit with an individual tick, but vomit will deal more damage over its duration.

There many many many more sources to add flat damage to minions. It is one of the rarest or the rarest flat damage type for sure, but there are more sources.
Acolytes Raven Crown and Julraā€™s Obsession are the biggest ones for items.
And there are some synergies between different spells like Dread Shade for example.

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Yep youā€™re correct, not sure why I thought explosion was 100% ADE but itā€™s 600%; my apologies for the inaccuracies. With 100 Added Damage itā€™d be 720 damage before considering increased / more / etc. Thatā€™s vs like 360 per second from vomit at that point, so itā€™s still more than doubling total damage per zombie but itā€™s not more than explosion damage per second and canā€™t be. ADE matters a bunch, not sure how I missed that, but ah well. Minor quibble at 600% ADE 48 would be 288 added not 240 but either way your numbers are a lot closer than mine XD

Just to clarify too - I was not saying you can only get 20 points, from the passive tree, as in thatā€™s the only source. I was saying you can only get 20 points from the passive tree, as in the passive tree only has +20 not +50 in it. Yes there are other sources, I was just remarking specifically on the passive tree.