What is going on now

Love to need to be in game, at the right time, to her news about fixes coming for bugs that would, and have by all reports, cause a number of player to not be playing.

I don’t really get why it’s so hard for them to use the forums the same as they use reddit, discord, in game chat etc…

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over 10 million players must be getting paid by blizzard… :joy: :joy:

Or you could wait for patch notes like most people.

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Wait for patch notes to get an idea of when game breaking bugs are being addressed and/or going to be fixed?

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yes, because anything prior to that is just speculation. What does it matter if you know that it is going to happen a week from next Tuesday? You still have the issue until the day it is fixed.

People have a serious lack of patience anymore.


They do often include a chunky section of all of the things they’re looking into as a priority. They’ve been doing that the last two or three patch notes, if memory serves.

But that aside, there’s a vast difference between “OMG GAME IS TOTALLY BROKEN FIX THIS SHIZ BRUHS!!!” and “Hey, anyone know if there’s an upcoming fix or patch to correct this, because it’s getting real frustrating.”

The second is liable to get someone like @AndrewTilley or @Heavy or @Llama8 or a number of others to come on and drop, “Yeah, they know, they said such and such just three days ago.” Like this one did after all of the drama had already started.

The first is liable to get threads like…well, this one.


Because it’s nice to have a timeframe for when things will be done/fixed. Just like with anything else. Or, do you just drop your car off at the mechanic, and walk out the door, without first getting some idea of when it will be repaired? Yeah didn’t think so. Hell I’ve seen people have the gall to ask how long the wait will be at a restaurant! SUCH IMPATIENCE!!!1111!!!shiftone!!!11111!!!

And, sometimes they don’t. Or it’s posted in a different forum – Reddit, Twitch, Twitter, etc. Not everyone spends every waking moment refreshing multiple sources, drooling with anticipation for the next LE post. Some like to come to a single location and easily get the information they are looking for. Especially if they are frustrated by a game-breaking bug they encounter.

Here’ a tip, Lancelot – telling people to “calm down”, when they are upset, has calmed, exactly, zero people down. Maybe the white knights can back off once and a while, and allow people to vent.

Yes, mostly. If it is something that you don’t know what is wrong with it. It gets dropped off and I expect a call at some point telling me what is wrong and the cost. Even right now, I am waiting on a part to come in to fix something on a vehicle with an indeterminate timeframe. I’m not calling every day asking when. It will be there when it’s there and they will let me know.


Gonna own this. We have to beware the Knights who say “Ni!”

Just wanted to point out the second part of my post:

directly addressed your ‘concern’ about 'sometimes they don’t and sometimes it’s in other places." But, leaving it out helps you feel better to vent, by all means. I’m just wondering if there’s a way to vent without being entitled, edgelordy or a jerk. Nah, who am I kidding. No way that could happen. :roll_eyes:

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Hi folks. My apologies for this issue: we have a fix out for this now:

If you have any further issues please make a post in the Bug Reports section and include your Log File. Feel free to mention me there.


People in chat saying the issue is not fixed.

Haven’t had time to try in earnest myself, but will do shortly.

You need a better garage. That is unacceptable.

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Even an oil change at Walmart doesn’t give a precise time. They will tell you how many are ahead of you and an approximation based on that. Most places call/text when things are ready. Even at a restaurant waiting for a table, they give the little buzzers letting you know your table is ready (or a text).

Totally not fixed.

Happens every single time I attempt a quest echo after log in. Doesn’t matter if I sit in the end of time for 30 minutes.

I found the C:\Users[username]\AppData\LocalLow\Eleventh Hour Games\Last Epoch\ folder where I’m supposed to upload a log file, but I haven’t figured out which file they want, what folder they want and how to to upload it.

I’ve verified my files.

I’ve reported the bug.

This is the last time I’m talk’n about.

There should be Player.log and Player-prev.log files there. If you have file extensions hidden you might only see Player and Player-prev, but that’s the files they need.

Edit: See The Game’s Log File, to upload a file just drag and drop it in the textarea when you report a bug.

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I have not had a single instance of it happening since the update and I’ve been playing constantly for the last few days.

These are the files they’re looking for. I think this is still the correct location.
File name: Player.log and Player-prev.log
Location: C:\Users[username]\AppData\LocalLow\Eleventh Hour Games\Last Epoch\

File name: Player.log
Location: ~/.config/unity3d/Eleventh Hour Games/Last Epoch/