im back at the game for a week now.Tested all builds i can make or its all coming back to the end of time (literally) because its alway’s the same thing over n over… what are we going to get in the future of this game when its ready?
rougue is 1 thing.story line is & 2nd thing.adding ALLOT of items is a third thing.
nevermind i just watched the chapter’s… but that mean if u guy’s releasing Last epoch in april 2020 right?That we get every month an update? because april 2020 is just 7months away from now
It’s the same a other releases, first month or two are a payed beta. We either see a release in time with some flaws or we’ll see a pushed back release bechause they need more time to get rid of the flaws.
well my question is,if u done storyline,done monolith arena & bored of it what else can we do? but i just saw the chapter’s so i know kinda bit what there is still yet to come