What are your favorite builds?

I’m curious as to what everyone’s favorite builds are as of this moment. I’m looking or some that I may not have tried. I tried going my own route and had fun with it for a while but theory crafting has never been my thing.

I personally prefer AOE builds and if they have good mobility, then I’m sold.

Aschere werebear
Lizard’s Bowmage with the Boardman twist
Jabbafunk lightning sorc

These are probably the ones I’ve played the most recently and they’re just amazing but as with all good things, they can grow old in time.

  1. Harvest Crit Non-Ward Low Health Lich
  2. DW Fulgurite Shard 5-Flow Lethal Mirage BD
  3. Erasing Strike VK (ES as mana-spender with very little cd; ~2sec)
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Fixed that for you…

My favourite was the pre-fix Hammer Throw Smite build you could get an obscene amount of Smites. It’d probably be more powerful now with the Void damage per vitality but you’d loose the mana per Smite (which was the fix).

In random thoughts order:
Werebear with Vines and Entangling Roots
Fire Necro Minions
Cinder Strike Boomer
Smite Hammerdin
Orb Smiter

I play lots of builds, but for most I don’t play them for long. What I like most is creating the build and see if it works and has potential. Very often I stop after the campaign or after the first timeline. When a build is a real huge success (for me), I play it till empowered timelines. And in some rare cases, I play it more, but from time to time, not in a long period. My most played is a level 100 Orb Smiter and he has just reached 200 corruption, you can see that I’m not a pusher either.


Doom & Time Rot Warpath VK
Anything throwing + Keen Adorned Idol Sentinel (I’ve made too many of these across all masteries and skills)
I enjoy a lot of DoT builds, I’ve grown weary on crit builds since the days of D3.

Despite it’s current mechanical issues, I like Aurelis Paladin as it fulfills my melee tempest strike shaman fantasy that I’ve tried to make something out of since I started playing back in early 2020.

And my OG level 100 Shatterstrike Spellblade. Hoping that the set item changes make Shard of the Shattered Lance desirable long term and a cold conversion for Firebrand or Mana Strike for consistency sake. RIP Ice Ward, I miss you and love you dearly.

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Marksman, all of them :stuck_out_tongue:

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I like harvest and I played around with a build using your unique and while it was really strong I couldn’t get over the lack of harvest AOE. I’m just obsessed with large AOE builds, I hate having to walk over to mobs.

I’m all too familiar with this, there are really only a few I take the distance.

Quite possibly the least surprising thing I’ve ever read.


I need to look into this, sounds really fun and strategic.

Harvest has very good Aoe compared to other melee skills. With 5/5 points investment into the %Inc. Area its actually really impressive with or without Death’s Embrace.

If you really want that build to excel at Aoe at the cost of some ST dmg you could also use a staff with more focus onto Death Seal (with increased Death Wave Area) and Bone Curse with “Cursed Limbs” for Bone Curse on hit application, this way most Aoe is handled through Death Seal and Harvest is only for tougher targets.

Oh yes it is. It’s the complete opposite of a button smashing build.
But it is a very specific playstyle, that needs some getting used to.

SO many fun builds over the years, but the vast majority of them have been smashed to pieces by the nerf sledgehammer.

Currently, I am playing:

  1. Thorn totem Spriggan
  2. Rabid Squirrels
  3. VK Autobomber

Looking to see what viable melee rogue builds are left since poison flurry and umbral blades got destroyed by the above-mentioned sledgehammer. Seems any good builds for the rogue get instantly destroyed by EHG. sadface

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