Werebear Rampage Animation Getting Stuck Extremely Frequently (Video Attached)

I’m using the ‘Unending Storm’ node of the ‘Werebear Form’ skill tree on a Druid character as a movement/gap closing ability. Frequently, in both patches 1.0.7 and 1.0.8, the character gets stuck in the running animation and there is a period of time where there is nothing I can do as the player to get out of the animation. I release the ‘Q’ key to stop the channel but the running animation continues. After a brief period of time (long enough to get stomped by mobs or a spire) I am able to get out of it by right-clicking (not immediately).

This happens even when the character isn’t on the edge of the map or any obvious terrain feature. I can’t tell you how frustrating it is to die when trapped in this animation while fighting a boss like Herot or allowing a monolith spire to get a free shot at you.

Player.log (1.0 MB)

I’ve attached an unlisted YouTube video that I’ve edited to show it happening to me five times in a matter of minutes. The first three times are all in the same monolith echo!:

Possible Suggestion:
Write a conditional statement into the code to break out of the animation if ‘x’ frames have past and the character hasn’t moved coordinate locations at all. I believe this would require minimal effort on your end if you don’t have time to address the issue (if its a collision issue, for example)

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Hey AKATOSH, I was just about to make a thread about this and found out someone else was having the same issue. This bug really does happen quite often and it’s frustrating because it makes the build less efficient. Rampage is the key skill used to proc storm bolts so getting stuck in animation really does suck. I hope the Dev’s can really help us out with this one because the storm bolt druid build is actually really fun to play.

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I noticed this in the harbinger patch notes:
" * Improved character navigation in various zones."

Its not clear to me if this will address this bug or not. It would be great if it helped but IMO a separate patch should still be applied to rampage to prevent this problem from rearing its head in the future. I assume the number of maps will continue to increase, which will increase the likelihood of this continuing to be a bug.

Same here as of July 15.

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