I’ve just noticed something a bit odd with the hanging statues (I assume they’re supposed to be bodies) in the Wengari Fortress, their legs are bent (which would only be possible if they are still alive & actively trying to pull themselves up/bend their legs), their arms aren’t hanging down properly & their heads are tilted as though they are looking up (there should be a straight line running from the joint through the centre of mass of the skull perpendicular to the ground). And they’re only attached to the rope by one foot (which would mean the other leg would be dangling around).
There are two possibility:
you are on to something
you are reading too much into the physics (Or lack there of) applied on the statue
Likely both…
What if their body froze before they strung them up? :o
Possible, but that would only last for, what, 4 seconds? Are you suggesting that I wait until they unfreeze?
Well once the rigor mortis sets in, they’ll be pretty stiff anyway. I doubt warming them up would make them more dangly at this point!
Which poses an interesting question, just how rigid does rigor mortis make a corpse? Can it keep a body in a pose with the arms out stretched against the force of gravity?
Curious minds want to know!
Well corpses aren’t called “stiffs” for no reason, I’ll tell ya that.
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