Weaver's Will prophecies bugged or working as intended?

I’m still fairly new to the game.
From my understanding, usually when a prophecy is fulfilled, we get the reward.

I have a prophecy that states
Reward: Unique Armour (8 weaver’s will) with the condition of defeating the arena champion. It can be fulfilled 8 times.
I’ve already done this twice (fulfilled 2/8) but have yet to receive any reward from my troubles. Is this particular prophecy supposed to behave that way, or do I have to complete it 8 times to get my reward?

EDIT: Also there is no Body armor Weaver’s will item, so it gets the next rarity.

Prophecy doesn’t say “Body Armour”, just “Armour”

fulfilled 2/8 should mean that you got the item 2 times already. but i havent heard of a weavers will armour item. idek what it could mean by armour. are you able to share a screenshot through imgur?

Boots are armor.

ah okay so if it says armour in a prophecy it can be a boot or body?

The prophecy is for weaver’s will armour, which can be boots, glove, belt or shield I believe. I have noticed my weaver’s will prophecies do not consistently drop uniques. I had an 8 fulfillment prophecy to kill Majasa that only dropped 4 weaver’s will items.

I’m having a similar issue with this prophecy, Reward is Unique Armor (16 weaver’s will) x2, but after completing it 3 times now I have only received a single unique each run. There’s definitely an issue with the drops for this prophecy.

Boots, Belt, Gloves for sure, not sure if it can be Relic.

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Sounds like a bug if you didn’t get the reward you contracted for from the prophecy.

Ok, I finally decided to do an Armour prophecy to test this. It is working and the “Armour” can be boots, gloves, belts as I have gotten all three of those fulfilling this prophecy. I have to do it 8 times to complete it and every time I fulfill it it tells me “Prophecy Progressed” and updates it in my panel.

The number for the WW item is also confirmed as just the minimum you will get. I started thinking maybe it was that specific number as the first 3 dropped with 16 (my prophecy) but the third dropped with 17.