Ways to better align prophecy goals with their rewards

Hi Devs,

I wanted to give a specific example, so right now I’m in the observatory looking at a prophecy that will reward me with unique relics if I kill Frost Lich Formosus, the boss of Blood, Frost and Death.

The Blood, Frost and Death timeline has unique body armor as its timeline-targeted rewards, and Frost Lich Formosus doesn’t have a unique relic as one of his boss-specific drops.

If you know I want unique relics then you should either be having me kill The Husk of Elder Gaspar (because unique relics are the timeline-specific reward for The Last Ruin), or a boss that has a unique relic as a boss-specific drop. The latter would help you if you want that specific relic from that specific boss, otherwise guiding the player towards The Last Ruin would help them improve their chances of getting the relic they want from the global pool.

Although to be honest, while you’re at it, it would be great to take this a step further and make it so every timeline boss has at least one of their boss-specific drops match the timeline-specific reward, as that would make sense too. if you want a low-drop-rate unique relic then you should be fighting the boss of the timeline that has relics as a reward type. Etc.

Why would you? This would make it so that every specific reward type would always go to the same bosses. It would remove variability.
Not only that, but if I want to farm boots, relics and helmets at the same time, I can no longer do them in the same timeline, I have to go do all 3 different ones.

Prophecies have some issues, mostly with UI and breaking up the gameplay, but this is not one of them.


I didn’t suggest to restrict it to only the timeline that has that type of reward. I suggested to have the prophecies do that AND/OR be for bosses that drop that reward type. If there’s more than one boss that drops that item type then there could be prophecies for that reward type for each of those bosses.

If you want to mix and match prophecies of multiple item types while you farm that’s your business, but I don’t see why your personal preference ought to make target farming harder for everyone else. If you want to get prophecies for boots and gloves at the same time, then do so. But that doesn’t mean the goals for boots and gloves should make you do content that doesn’t give you boots and gloves.

I really like that sometimes prophecies put loot explosions on bosses that I normally wouldn’t farm, this gives me some variety, that still is totally worth it.

The last bolded part is one of the things I see so often in LE. Moving goals posts further and further.

LE already has incredible target farmability, more than any other similar game ever had or has. What you want is completely dial in on that, but I think too much is not good for some things.

I would say that what lenses try to achieve is a good middleground, even though I do think they are too weak in some aspects. Blocking certain game modes isn’t really worth a lense slot, but I guess that would be part of another discussion.

Loot should always be varied and only to a certain extent be targetfarmable. And then it is up to the players tofind ideal strategies and combine certain things.
With what you are suggesting if we would go far enough we would end up with only getting loot for one specific item slot, then the next, and the next.

Loot always should and needs to be unpredictable to a certain extent, so you get surprised every now and then.


I would love if they could just change it in a way we had separate slots for Regional and Greater Lenses, so we could block content and target loot at the same time more consistently.

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Yes, because everyone just farms one thing because everyone just wears one slot of gear. Because no one does multiple item types at once when they still need multiple items for their build.
Just because you’re farming endgame and are only hunting one specific thing doesn’t mean everyone else does. So why should your personal preference make target farming harder for everyone else?

Yes, I would be making your target farming harder by … checks notes … making target farming easier. A very logical statement. I don’t why I didn’t see that before.

Probably because you didn’t read what he said.

Currently, if you want to find gear for different slots you can get prophecies that give that slot that are all in the same mono therefore you can get gear for different slots at the same time.

Your proposal to restrict the prophecies for different slots to the appropriate monos, while logical, would mean that if you want to get gear for different slots you’d have to spend significantly more time running through the various different timelines the slots are restricted to. So if you’re hunting for gear for 3 slots, this would be anywhere up to 3 times longer.

Bearing in mind that you can already achieve the slower gearing you wish by just rerolling the prophecies and ignoring the ones that require you to do the same timeline.

It’s ironic that this is more applicable to you.

That’s only correct if you’ve got to the point in your gearing where you only need 1 slot upgraded. So pardon me if I don’t think that the game should be made slower for everybody else just to speed it up for the tinyest fraction of the gearing. If you want to make your gearing quicker, have you thought about going MG, it sounds like you’d fit right in.

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I think you mean MG.


I don’t know what you mean.