WASD Movment and why we do not need to reinvent the wheel

With such piety about psychological issues, you should definitely see this doctor

I am familiar with the sketch. It’s a good one.

But it’s not piety. It’s first hand experience.
Society has long stigmatized mental health as a failing of the individual suffering it. If someone is sad, it’s because they don’t want to be happy. They should just be happy instead (or Stop it!, like in the sketch).
It’s only in recent years that this view has been shifting, especially among the medical community, and is being looked at as any other disease or health issue.

But as a society, these stigmas are hard to overcome and many people still view mental health issues as a personal failing, both in themselves and in others. They view it as a choice, or a preference, of the individual, rather than something that is being forced on them beyond their control.


No, I’m 100% sure it’s piety. It’s one thing to be aware that person has some psychological issues and not judging for it, and another thing is to be so polite about it like person some kind of invalid who can’t take it under control. Such attitude makes it only harder.

Actually that is exactly what it seems like they will be doing. On reddit if i remember correctly it was mike that replyed to a wasd thread saying for seaon 2 they might add was in this way as an expermental option.

Tbh it seems EHG listens more to feedback from players on reddit than they do on this form. Iv seen devs create post there asking players about things for the game vs here o. Thier official forms. These post the devs make are never seen/made here

It was a thread where players were saying to the devs to just add wasd in the way d4 did it. Wasd in d4 is what op talks about.

This is ultimately the crux of the issue. Games like Chronicon, PoE2, and Victor Vran are designed around WASD controls and the first two offer some kind of handicap to make mouse-control not as awful as it could be such as no movement while attacking in Chronicon, and the ability to attack while strafing with mouse in PoE2. But ultimately, the combat mechanics for those games are designed around having WASD as the primary control scheme and those handicaps for mouse movement.

A game like LE (or TQ2 where this is also a huge discussion) that aren’t designed with WASD in mind immediately have issues with trying to force the control scheme in. You break animations if you implement kiting, you leave it as a worse controller if you just simulate mouse clicking to move, or you spend a lot of dev time fixing animations and implementing mouse-aiming making the default difficulty braindead with the ability to strafe and kite freely compared to the mouse movement the game was designed around. You might as well rebuild the game from the ground up and slap a 2 on the end if you want to implement WASD… Oh wait, a game already did that.


What you said makes no sense. It’s like saying to someone that is burning with fever that they should just go outside and walk it off and that treating them like an invalid only makes it harder.
And no, I’ll anticipate your argument and say that it’s not different because mental health issues are caused by chemical imbalances and other similar issues. They have a physical root.

Like I said (and you dismissed, like you seem to dismiss mental health issues), it’s not piety but 100% first hand experience. Not only did I have a nervous breakdown many years ago, I’ve had friends that had depressions and social anxiety. And I’ve seen first hand the terrible consequences the “You should just stop being sad, it’s your fault for choosing to stay sad” mentality can have.

But I don’t think you’ll change your mind on this, judging by your dismissiveness of what I said before, and I’ll only get riled up with this, so I won’t be discussing this anymore. It’s not relevant to the topic being discussed anyway and only came up in a roundabout way.

I don’t think he said anything like that in his streams, though. Are you sure it was Mike? All Mike has said so far (that I’m aware of) is that they are testing a version of WASD internally. And he seemed to imply that they’ll only release it when they’re happy about it.

I don’t know if they listen more to reddit or the forums. I think they listen to everything “in bulk”. But they do seem to interact more with reddit and discord, which is a shame. I wish they’d go back to interacting with the forums as they used to.

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First of all, not all mental health issues have physical roots, that’s a blatantly false statement. So yes, there’s those… and there’s those which are solely chemical imbalance. Both exist. Denying either is not helpful.

And that’s another issue. Don’t derive from your personal experience the general state, that doesn’t work. Yours was in a specific sub-category, it’s hence not the norm because the spectrum is massive for psychological issues. Deriving it from a singular standpoint and deeming that to be the general case is hubris on the highest level.

What was said isn’t wrong… on either side, both argumentation lines hold true… but only closed to their respective cases and they’re not interchangeable. But yes ‘you can walk off’ a psychological issue at times. And at other times you can’t do anything at all, both exist at the same time and neither is denying the existence of the other.

They at least seem to be substantially more active on Reddit, which is a detriment in my eyes. Using a third party environment above the personally created one is a shortcoming. In-house should always have priority for obvious reasons, and if solely to showcase activity where activity needs to be seen first and foremost.

It’s all physical. Genes produce proteins that react one way or another with your brain. Even recently a study found a common root between several distinct disorders like ADHD, schizophrenia, depression, tourette’s, OCD, etc. And it’s a physical issue, that can be cured with a physical medicine (eventually), just like a fever is.

2 things:
1- I was accused of piety. I explained that my statements do not stem from piety but from personal experience.
2- Because of my personal experience I have since educated myself on these issues. I have read multiple scientific studies relating this and I try to keep up with new advancements and studies.

But as I said, I’m not interested in pursuing this issue anymore. Prejudices imposed by society are hard to overcome and are rarely worth discussing in a public forum, especially when it’s not relevant to the original topic being discussed. We should just drop this and get back to the WASD discussion.


Once more, wrong.
PTSD is a psychological issue stemming from a overabundance of stress through a specific trigger situation. Only the proclivity for it is genetic, the existence of it is circumstancial and a pure chemical inbalance related to a stress reaction.

Also wrong. At least the second part. Yes, it is a physical issue, genetic actually, wiring of the brain directly. That’s not solvable through medicine and only partially reducable. It would need surgery.
A pill is not a panacea, it’s a drug to adjust how your body works for a short while, sometimes with long-term changes following given enough time. Otherwise we wouldn’t have a need for surgery.

Also it’s very debatable if ADHD and autism-spectrum for example are something you want to actively remove rather then include into society. The unique brain setup in several people on the spectrum causes thought processes which aren’t seen in a ‘nominally functioning’ brain, hence leading often to superior problem solving methods that are direly needed or creative influences that propel segments forward.

But you’re right, with that I’ll also stop this topic, dangit, write you wanna stop at the top rather then the bottom, would’ve saved me writing this wall here… but it’s written already and hence it gets posted :stuck_out_tongue:

So … not purely a psychological issue?


You do realize that chemicals are physical substances, right? And that they are produced by physical matter?

So, a physical issue then?
What you’re saying is like saying that a broken arm isn’t a physical issue because it can’t be solved with a pill and requires surgery. It makes no sense.

All of these issues are physical. Trauma causes your physiology to change and produce different chemicals. External stimuli cause your brain to produce different chemicals according to the situation, which can cause it to also produce “wrong” ones.
All of this has a physical solution, whether it’s a pill or surgery or even just psychological counseling which causes your brain, over time, so shift back to different chemicals.


Yup, this way any criminal can say “I didn’t do anything wrong, it’s all chemical you know, how you can think I am responsible for killing those people? I felt anger, it’s chemistry, not my choice.”

You can make any theories you want, but the less responsible you are considering yourself for your psychological state, the less control you have, that’s a fact. Some things are very hard to change, totally, but noone even knows where limits are and if they are even exist.

Just to not be completely off-topic: Wasd feels great! :slight_smile:

I don’t want to further derail the thread, but a chemical imbalance is a physical issue. Stress related hormones causing a psychological reaction is physical. The only reason mental health and physical health are separated is a lot of mental health issues, while stemming from physical things like chemical imbalance, can often be worked through with therapy.

For example, I have a lot of stress and anxiety dealing with feeling like I’m not worth anything due to how I was treated by my family. Constantly compared to my younger sister who was “perfect” and being told I was lazy, unmotivated, would never amount to anything, etc.

I ended up cutting them all out of my life due to mostly unrelated circumstances with how they started treating my girlfriend/fiance/wife, I started therapy to deal with the stress, anxiety, and anger. In the process, after almost 2 years of working through many unresolved issues, my therapist asked me to take a “test”. After which she diagnosed me with ADHD at 31 years old. All those “you’re unmotivated and lazy” issues actually stemmed from me having undiagnosed ADHD my entire life. Which isn’t an excuse, but was an explanation as to why I found staying focused and motivated on things that didn’t stimulate me to be incredibly difficult.

That’s a long way to say that everything I just described was caused by physical hormones and chemical imbalances in my brain. It’s genuinely all physical.

A chemical imbalance solely inside the brain without an actual physical part is deemed ‘purely psychological’. So yes, purely psychological. It doesn’t change how the brain is made up as a baseline, it just causes neuronal connections which then lead to a detrimental chemical reaction. The only difference between a simple ‘bad habit’ is how severe it is.

You seem to lack the differenciation between ‘physical’ and ‘psychological’. You see them as one and the same.

Obviously it has a physical thing causing it in some way. What do you think our brain is? The receptacle for the ‘soul’ or any sort of theological other aspect? It’s a medical discussion after all.

And medically the hardcoded state of our body is deemed as ‘physical aspects’ which can’t be reliably changed outside of surgery or long-term chemical influences causing it to actively change the setup counts for those.
‘Psychological’ aspects are solely limited to the plasticity of the brain. PTSD is caused by the plasticity of neurological connections, a connection causing adverse stress-reactions to trigger situations. ADHD/Autism is not caused by the plasticity of the brain. It’s caused by the fundamental setup of the brain, having inherent non-connected segments or connected segments which shouldn’t be connected for a ‘nominal brain’. Those don’t change with plasticity, they are fixed outside of surgery.

Basically: Can it be fixed with neurotransmitters? Psychological.
Can it be fixed with surgery? Physical.

That’s why someone causing a homicide because of a neurosis is put into a mental institution since they are not at fault for doing it while someone doing it out of anger is put into jail. Both happen because of chemical reactions, but one is deemed under ‘free will’ and the other is not.

As I said, I’ll just stop discussing this topic (for real, this time), before someone inevitably says something like “Being gay is a choice”, which is where this is quickly heading.

That’s a bit of an “in absurdum” argument.

It also completely ignores the fact that (knowledge of) laws can impact your brain just the same as PTSD-causing events, and your reaction to your own state is what’s on trial there, not the circumstance which angered you. That’s why a few years ago people didn’t punch you in the face for having covid, but for coughing all over them when you did have it. (or even when not, just don’t be an ass)

(back on topic)
But you know, keyboard movement (because AZES > WASD) is good to have as an option, but it needs to be a realistic option without making people that prefer mouse movement feel forced to play a style they don’t like to be optimal. If the change only shifts the issue and not increase accessability, it doesn’t actually help LE grow.


On trial are some specific actions usually, not reaction to your own state, and where is the boundary of your responsibility for your actions and your state is the open question, you don’t know answer to that. But as I said before, the lower you draw that line of responsibility, the less control over your state and your actions you have.

There’s entire branches of law about temporary insanity, so that line is already being scrutinized on a regular basis. And you make my point, you’re not gonna be on trial for being angry (even if you’re angry for seeing a keyboard & mouse), it’s how you handle yourself that is being judged.

Heck, we do the same thing in game: We judge builds not on what RNG situations we encounter, but how we handle them. That’s why ignoring crit avoidance/reduction gear is bad :stuck_out_tongue:

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If there are laws, that that line is scrutinized on a regular basis? Forget it, it’s not interesting to continue with this level of argumentation.

Airowird be PC gaming like:

Joking aside, please explain AZES configuration to me.