If they can’t use a mouse, a keyboard or a controller because the gender is a specific one then that would be a first.
What you’re talking about is a matter of preference, which is 100% fine and agreed, I’m all for options in general. But they are and will always be that: A preference.
Input methods are not necessarily (at many times they are though) a preference, they are sometimes a necessity. As mentioned, actual physical hindrances, be it RSI, be it years and years of muscle memory. That’s quite another issue there.
It never is. Never was. Likely never will be either.
There’s always a superior and a inferior method, related to the setup the developers have made.
And as you mention… in other genres it’s the same. MOBA, RPG, RTS… all of them have a optimal input method, one which not always aligns with the one they’re actually programmed for. Be it through a mess-up from the devs or simply because the respective game-type causes it to lean towards one heavily by design.
Yes, and that’s also something I wholeheartedly agree with. It hinders people from accessing the game because they physically can’t.
Much like input methods do. So they’re generally a good thing to implement.
What DJ mentioned though with the gender lock… that’s not a physical hindrance, it’s a mental one. And taking those into consideration unless it’s a dangerous life-threatening issue (addiction based ones hence) it has no place in a video game to be anywhere near top-priority. Yes, including it is nice… after everything else has been handled and made better… then it can be tackled.
Mind you, I’m generally for options, I’m against comparing apples and oranges though and I’m also against rushing into stuff without properly taking into consideration what they’ll change going forward.
Or because there’s no auto-pickup, or because there’s no mastery-change, or because… that’s a position which needs a completely different thought-process compared to removing physical limitations.
Offline mode removes a physical limitation related to online status. Input methods do related to physical limitations of different bodies. Gender lock is a mental barrier, and hence we also have the opposite side of people which want their character to have a fixated backstory. So the question there is ‘either/or’ and ensuring to align with the personal preferrence as well as the overall amount of people preferring a specific choice to make a product flourish, which is a vastly harder thing to deal with (which is why the discussions there tend to go awry).
But with physical stuff it’s kinda hard to argue ‘well, ignore it’… can hardly ignore something which actively stops me from engaging with something. You can still engage with a mental barrier, you can’t with a physical one, it’s impossible or worst-case actually harmful to do so after all.
No, he doesn’t actually.
A phobia can be gotten under control. Not always, sometimes it needs decades, for others it never works… but it has the option to be solved. Same with any other stance. Thought processes can and will change over time. What you see as mandatory today will not even be a major nuisance tomorrow… and the other way around.
A physical limitation though doesn’t change. Your internet connection won’t improve because you change your stance towards it, you’re reliant on the infrastructure and not your own doing there, it’s not in your personal power to change anything. Same with how your body is built up. I’m for example watching a streamer which can’t use M&K because of a nerve issue, causing severe pain when used for extended amounts of time. I personally have a muscle buildup which leans towards RSI, cramps, inflammation. So I personally can’t deal with repetitive clicks too much (which is why I need to pause playing the game for weeks at times despite wanting to play it). That’s a difference. You keep the want to play it, you are just hindered to do it. A psychological aspect reduces or removes wanting to do something until you don’t do it.
Then those games aren’t for those people, simple as that.
If you don’t enjoy playing a female protagonist you won’t play ‘Tomb Raider’. It would be nonsensical to make the main character anyone else besides Lara Croft.
If you don’t enjoy playing a male protagonist you won’t play ‘Serious Sam’, because Sam’s the protagonist there simply. Wouldn’t make sense to give it a random character as a choice, or gender-change him simply. Wouldn’t be ‘Sam’ anymore.
Including a option to switch a gender is automatically pushing those people away which rely on immersing into a specific role and needing the rigid background hence to do so. It stands in direct conflict with that mindset hence. So it’s a ‘either/or’ situation. It doesn’t improve things but simply changes them. Including options to remove physical limitations won’t hinder people from engaging in the game, it enables them to do so.
Which is why I’m arguing it to be a completely different topic, even if overlaps exist.