Was there a hidden Controller Support Update? - Controller suddenly not working anymore

Hi Travelers!

Just wondering if there was any update implemented recently (besides the actual patchnotes) or something becaus my 360 Xbox Controller was just running fine and is now not working at all anymore. I did not change anything at all and also tried all kind of “fixes” u ccould imagine. I was using default settings and had no issues. Now I cant even move the character anymore.

  • Game does still notice the controller and some buttons are randomly working but not as intended
  • reassign does not work at all
  • swopping to steam settings instead of default does work super randomly by swopping the layout like 10 times around and restarting the game again and again afterwards (still LE doesnt save the layout for some rsn and as soons as u exit the game it is all not working again)

anyone else facing these kind of bug recently? Im forced to play with controller and would appreciate any kind of solution here :sweat_smile:


Same here, starting the game offline → controller ( xbox gamepad, the new one ) gets detected → buttons A, B, Y, X don’t work at all.


  • If i press R3 to open a portal the loot filter gets funky; filters every item on the ground.

  • Can’t use controller to ‘pick up’ quest items / interact with them at all.