Warpath won't follow my mouse's direction

Hello, while channeling Warpath, my character won’t go in my mouse’s direction in Shrouded Plateau’s Echo map. As you can see in the video below, my mousing points toward one direction and my character goes another way while channeling Warpath.

Log File: Player.zip (642.2 KB)

Video: Last Epoch 0.9.1c Warpath Pathing Bug - YouTube



yes this is happening to me and just on this map Shrouded plateau, only certain parts on the map not everywhere. For me it feels like you get magnetized to a part of the map.

I have this issue regularly. Even thought cleaning my mouse would help but doesn’t. I find that channeling warpath has pathing issues in general.

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i got the same issue with warpath, its really annoying if u need to channel to spawn ur forge weapons and it keeps spinning into a wall.
its not only in this echo i keeps happening in devoured armoury too

Bug still persists on The Aerie

hey, I reported this back in Early Access and again in Cycle 1.

Good luck getting this fixed, it seems to be a big issue related to the map design.

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This issue is still around…