Warlock & Runemaster ward nerfs incoming

this is already a 3 day old post, but I just noticed it. All the complaints about ward abuse is apparently being heard by EHG.

edit: love the part about fixing the 40% ward boost that was supposed to be 4% haha

If by “incoming” you mean happened yesterday, then yes.

I doubt it. Ward being op is just simply op, which I assume most people could wait till next cycle for it to be balanced. For someone who loves to see balance more than anything and would welcome any mid-cycle nerf, even I didn’t vote for a 5 on the mid-cycle balance for skills that are just simply too op, but not due to bugs.

oh did that happen yesterday already? Did it bring the two classes into better balance or they still causing non OP players anxiety? Personally, I don’t care. I’m kinda bummed, was hoping to try one of the OP builds out before they got a nerf.

Your mindset ist wired

I’m going to assume you mean “weird” (not “wired”). But whatever. It’s just kind of funny to me that the devs accidentally missed a decimal point. Kind of important on ward.

I wish they’d more fix underperforming specs such as sorcerer or spellblade…

From the feedback of some players, it seems like the build is still kicking so much ass? Doing 1500c with relative ease instead of 2000c. Still quite op?

I play a sorcerer. He’s kind of stuck at 100 corruption, but I keep hoping I’ll figure out how to progress lol