WARD is ruining the game

Those are the most delusional statements i read in months.

I’m curious, whats the logic behind these statements?

How is scenario A better than scenario B?

Scenario A

Sentinel 400
Rogue 700
Mage 300
Primalist 200
Acolyte 900

Scenario B

Sentinel 450
Rogue 440
Mage 470
Acolyte 460
Primalista 445

I can’t see ANY LOGIC advocating in favor for unbalance.

What’s delusional is believing anything and everything can be balanced equally. You’re chasing a pipe dream.

All i’m asking for is to pick the low hanging fruit and get it as close to balanced as possible. Then see if we can draw the line even closer through player skill.


This quoted comment is literally what i’m asking.
Literally not a single being is asking for exactly same numbers.

I’m saying “i want the game most balanced possible”

Some dishonest individuals are making the fallacy of the scarecrow with arguments such as “it is impossible to balance perfectly” even though this was not requested at any time.

I’m not sure I understand what point you’re trying to make here. Or what made my previous comments seem “delusional”. If you read my entire comment, I said the game isn’t even close to what I consider reasonably balanced and that EHG can do better.

This comment also wasn’t directed at you???

Here you are asking for the game not being balanced equally, intentionally.

Yes, because I salso said:

Which if you’ve played video games very long, you know is an absolute fact.

I agree, to an extent, but net gains are also important to games that are already successful.

“ruining the game” man you must have been one pleasant child growing up what an incredibly over-the-top reaction lol

Side effect of getting a second charge - he is specced to use it as a damage reduction tool and damage buff.

His passives don’t suggest he is very interested in ward.

The sealed t1 affix for ward generation is really there for another charge of flame ward. Weapon and catalyst are build-defining by their unique properties. Ward just happens to be there.

The amount of ward he gets adds a bit to the survivability, but isn’t the focus.

Maybe we have the same intention but we are having a problem with semantics.

My point is, this kind of sentence is wrong. I’m going to make an analogy in the same sense as what you said.

Swap balance for crimes.

Premise, crimes will always happen, anyone who thinks otherwise is chasing a pipe dream.
Anyone who expects crimes not to occur is a fool. Theres no perfect place.

Here comes your sentence:

“I’m not going to ask that crimes stop happening, but I want people to behave better”

This type of sentence indirectly praises error.

You SHOULD expect balance.

Imagine you are working and on payday you say.
“Today on payday there may be unforeseen events and my boss won’t pay me, but that’s okay because unforeseen events happen”

With this sentence you are creating margin, a space that did not previously exist, for something wrong to happen.

It’s a RPG, who cares what other’s are doing with their builds.

And just so I am ahead of you, leaders boards are dumb af … every ladder people find something to complain about.


Only because you want to force it through that lens. One might also look at it as being pragmatic.

I think you are reading way too much into this. I also created space using terms like “reasonable”, which you and I have clearly different definitions of.

I don’t know if you genuinely believe that this is a good argument, but if you do, understand that this is a terrible argument that could be used to justify any error, flaw and disproportion that exists in content.

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Yeah, sure. EHG decided to have leaderboards, so they should try to make them appealing to those who care.

Many people are certainly happy that they can wreck high waves with broken builds. That isn’t making it a good thing - I say that just to bring up the point that not everyone necessarily hates the current state. There are, after all, people in the forum arguing that everyone else should be buffed instead of nerfing/repairing the broken stuff - which I heavily disagree with.

EHG just needs to manage their resources and priorities - a sad reality of life.

Edit: just a side note for people who think about hiring some new devs on short notice to fix stuff faster - it’s not how it works out. A new employee in dev is usually a net burden that requires some time investment from experienced personal before they actually add to the team.


I agree, and I definitely believe there are far bigger priorities than leaderboards.

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Game has 2 endgames, arena and corruption.

it’s difficult to think of a higher priority than the integrity of 50% of your endgame content.

There are also dungeons, but anyways. There are a slew of bugs, broken mechanics, and outdated masteries that sorely need attention. These are issues that affect more than just echos and arenas, so yeah, I do think those are more of a priority. That’s not to say I don’t think leaderboards are high-ish on the list though.

My view is completely opposite, I think the ward is working as it should, the problem is that the other defenses don’t exist, the supposedly tanky characters can’t scale HP and the damage scales in an idiotic way without gradations EXACTLY like in Diablo 3. For What they should do is make the defensive layers MAINLY of the meeles much larger, scale the HP so that tank builds can easily reach 10k, OR drastically reduce the damage.
For minions, every boss aoe and mechanic should have a 99% damage reduction against minions. If they don’t do this, the game will ALWAYS regress towards the meta and be dominated by 2~3 builds.

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sort of like regression towards the mean for the height of people

Because if you go for scenario B you are stifling future design creativity. The devs wont be able to change or add anything because it will upset the precious leader board balance that only a small fraction of the player base even care about. Every time they add a new mechanic or feature or item or even just an idea someone will run with it and have fun until someone else will rage that the “acceptable” wave diffs have been breached and start endless threads like this one.

Nerf nerf nerf and do not stop until I am satisfied.

The devs would be chasing their tails forever. They would be constant fear of breaking the “rules” of the precious leaderboard. That would be terrible for the game. Imagine how boring it would become.