WARD is ruining the game

So, I just killed 100 corruption Lagon with my Paladin after doing a little shopping and crafting tour.

I could comfortably tank is moon blast with vengeance buff up, taking between 1500 to 2000 damage.
My lightning and cold resistance wasn’t good though. Now I have the lightning resist blessing, before I had 19% lightning res.

I could not survive his beam - with max cold resist and panic pressing all 4 pots, I might be able too.

Yeah heal on block helps a lot with that beam since the beam hits you like 10 trillion times lol.

Does this count as hit, though? It’s a dot AFAIK, so there is no block.

That honestly sounds like the worst design flow ever.

“Please nerf Rock, Paper is fine” - Scissors

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That’s because none of us playing they game are worried about a single pointless part of the game in the Arena.

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I guess it just depends on what you’re using. Shatter Strike Spellblade generates a ton of Ward via mana->ward.

Because Arena performance doesn’t translate to Empowered Monolith performance at all or anything…which doesn’t effect Merchant’s Guild or anything…

It’s a very interesting mechanic and defensive layer, and although Devs have mildly improved these stats in general for HP builds, to be your protection against 1shots, it’s simply not enough. Endurance threshold compete with increased armor blessing, and endurance competes with flat armor blessing.
In suffixes, endurance& endurance threshold compete with HP slots.
I know this puzzle is what make things interesting to figure out a way to balance everything, but for HP builds it’s 10x harder to achieve a “final version” and even so most times it’s overtaken by some ward build that is achieved with less resources.

No it isnt. Just leave it as it is. Its fun!

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No it isn’t! Your argument is invalid!

The issue isnt ward, its the interactions of a set of skills, that allow, that ward t be boosted beynodn what is intended. Simple answer (for warlock anyway) remove the minion tag from bone prison. all of a sudden your 50k ward drops to normal range
As for other classes not having ward … that is a choice, from what i see, most passive trees have a ward mechanic built in, and there area alot of ward generator, and threshold cap items, that any class can use. Otherwise, leave things alone, let EHG retune for cycle 2, and play the game (and contrary to some of the listed opinions, not everyone is running a “broken” build simply cause its meta (again using warlock as an example) personally i cant stand PV, so i wont use it, i dont care that there is a way to give me 50k ward, not if the game play itself doesnt fit what i like.

I was doing empowered before level 80 while wearing horrible gear using rm hydra, you’re mage should be fine also but depends on build/ skills yes.

Yes it is! And its not an argument is a statement. I accept your perspective you should do the same even if you disagree. You cant tell me how to feel fun the game you can only say what you think!
So my perspective is that this is a fun mechanic and i like it it just like it is and i dont think that there is something to nerf or to change!

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Fine, my perspective is that your statement lacks the subjective intonation to be read as a subjective opinion but rather is written as a universal truth.

I also implore you to play without a bugged out Ward build and reconsider if you’re still having fun. If you do not, then the mechanic isn’t making the game fun, but is an entry barrier to having fun.

And your argument/statement is invalid because it brings no logic or discourse to the conversation. If I enjoy stabbing people in the face, that doesn’t make it any more right or wrong. Saying that it should stay because how you feel about it is extremely selfish and completely disregards other players as inferior opinions on the matter.

And to close off:

No, it isn’t

Even bladedancer its swiching to ward, the game have a terrible balance, the worst I ever see in ARPG.

Yes it is! I haven’t read what you two are talking about but I’m a fan of “Yes it is!” No it isn’t!" trashtalk so keep on rocking ^^.

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Hmmm you really have major problem not understanding that you do the same.
Anyways have bettr things to do that talk to the forum with you.
The bottom line is that it is fun and it should stay.
Have fun and good luck playing the game in forums!! bb

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I am more than willing to see a build I personally enjoy be nerfed so overall there are more build options and more people having fun. That’s the exact opposite of your “It must stay because it’s fun to me

On that, we can agree on

I don’t understand. Why does someone facetanking with ward impact “non-ward players” (whatever that means)?

I have builds that have 3k HP and can pull off 15k ward as well. What about that? Can of worms opening?